Text and Sheet Music of the School Anthem

The natural stones have lent their colours to various items that accompany the students throughout the school year, including the students’ ties or the badges for each individual year. The names of the stones also appear in the lyrics of the school anthem. The anthem expresses the spirit of the school and the respect that the students have for each other and for everyone else they encounter during their school lives.

Open Gate Primary School Anthem

Lyrics in Czech and English

Topaz, jaspis, smaragd, akvamarín, ametyst do dlaně své vem,
Nalezneš v nich odpovědi, probudíš svůj sen.

1st verse
Radost v našich srdcích otevírá den,
Dalším dobrodružstvím společně vstříc jdem.
Chceme poznávat svět, jít za cílem svým,
V Open Gate jsme všichni kamarádů tým.

Tvá škola otevírá brány k cestám co vedou výš.
Nestůj a pojď rychle s námi hledat ten správný klíč.

2nd verse
In our hearts rises the morning sun today,
Let us follow a shining bright new way.
We in quirers seeking now our personal dream,
Together we can make a truly great team.

Our Open Gates will lead you on to path where you´ve never been.
So don´t delay but find your key and follow joy ful in.

Topaz, jasper, emerald, aquamarine, amethyst hold fast in your hand.
The answers are clear, reach a secret land