Let’s take a look..


This week in Class 1 we had a fun art project with the kids. Monika, Saša and I got to watch the them paint, cut and glue a wonderful winter scene with a tree, birds and snow. The kids did a great job and their art work looks amazing! Their masterpieces are displayed outside of the classroom at the moment so stop by to check them out.

Class 2

In class two for PE this week, we played floorball. We had some fun games and over the next few weeks we will play some more and practise some skills and techniques for playing the game. (LR)

Class 3

The students of Class 3 started a bit of a project in our World Around Us lessons. We have been studying animals of the world this week so they did a bit of online research on some new animals that they will present to the class. Using the school’s tablets, each group of children were assigned an animal that they needed to research and complete a Biography worksheet. They also have to draw/color an accurate picture of the animals. The students really enjoyed learning about new animals, and of course they enjoyed using the tablets in class. We will continue the project next week, as well.

Class 4

In class 4 this week, we started preparing for the spelling bee. We also did some practise for our theatre show which I am sure will be lots of fun! (LR)

Class 5

In class 5 this week, we learnt about music, this week it was electronic dance music and we looked at the different styles and techniques for creating such music. We will look more at music in the coming weeks. We also started practising for the spelling bee. (LR)