Páteční pozdrav ze ZŠ

Dear parents,

I hope you have all had a good week. Unfortunately the very pleasant weather at the end of April seems to have deserted us, hopefully it won’t be too long before it returns!

This Sunday is Mother’s Day and some of the students were making Mother’s Day gifts and crafts during the week. And behalf of all the staff at Open Gate, we wish all the mothers a very Happy Mother’s Day, and to all the staff here past and present who are mothers, Happy Mother’s Day!

This was another shorter week in Open Gate because of the holiday on Wednesday. I hope you all had a good day. That said, it was still a busy week in the school, especially for classes 4 and 5 on Thursday.

Most of the students in classes 4 and 5 did the KET and PET exams. They were all very happy after the speaking parts of the test and I am sure they all did very well with the reading, writing and listening sections too. The examiners of the speaking section were very complimentary of their ability and wonderful attitude!

On Tuesday afternoon, we had a lot of visitors as next year’s class 1 students and their parents spent the afternoon in Open Gate. The children spent time with Saša and Eric and the parents were told everything about Open Gate. We are all looking forward to them starting school here in September.

On Friday this week, class 5 went on a cycling trip which was very enjoyable. We got lucky with the weather, just a few drops of rain and it was a lovely cycle through to forest to Mukarov and onto Jevany where we stopped at Klara Simonova’s house for refreshments before going for a tasty lunch!

On Monday May 13th, there are class meetings for the parents. There is a group meeting for all parents in the theatre at 17.00. Then there are class meetings in each class with the class teacher at 17.30. Items which will be discussed are class presentations and school in nature.

Next week, classes 4 and 5 are going on a trip to the zoo which should be a lovely day out. Standa and Hanka have sent the relevant information to parents. Prague Zoo is one of the finest in the world so I am very much looking forward to visiting it again as are all the students.

I wish you all a very nice weekend!


Luke a celý tým ZŠ

V pátek se páťáci vydali na dlouho plánovaný cyklovýlet s názvem Tour de Babice. Trasa vedla cyklostezkami přes Mukařov a Louńovice do Jevan a společně zdolali trasu 21,52 km. Děkujeme všem účastníkům za odvahu, se kterou se pustili do cykloboje se  štěrkem, kořeny a šotolinou. Velký dík patří také všem pedagogům a rodičům, kteří se výletu zúčastnili. Sportu zdar, cyklistice zvláště!

Standa Červený