Páteční pozdrav ze ZŠ
Dear Parents,
I hope you all had an enjoyable week, despite the decidedly un-spring like weather. It was so hopeful last weekend but during the week, it has been quite mixed, and a bit too wet. That said, it was still a fun and interesting week in Open Gate Primary School!
Unfortunately Hanka is still out with illness and all the staff and students, especially in class 4 wish her a speedy recovery and we are looking forward to seeing her back in Open Gate soon.
Students from classes 4 and 5 had a great time last Wednesday with their sporting pursuits. Although it rained all day, they all had great fun.
In the morning, it was athletics in Čelákovice. The children took part in three disciplines, throwing, running and jumping. The Open Gate A group came in 5th position and the B group came in 10th position which was a great performance and despite the weather, the kids all really enjoyed the experience.
In the afternoon, it was the touch rugby tournament at Stadion Marketa. After playing well through the league group, Open Gate had their final game against Riverside. The winner of the game would win the tournament. Near the end of the game, the teams were drawing 6:6. Then Honza Růžička went over the line to score the decisive try and Open Gate won the tournament! Congratulations to all the team (Viki Lukander, Robert Sedláček, Honza Růžička, Ivan Jakůbek, Adéla Jirmanová, Kačka Votlučková, Andreas Vacík and Lucka Korbelová) for a fantastic effort and for bringing home the winner’s trophy!
In class 5 this week, we were hoping to get some time outside to play some class sports but alas, the weather was not on our side. Instead, we played a game called Computation Castle. It is an online game designed to practise and learn some interesting things with maths while reversing the spell which has turned the royal family into various animals, and one banana! We learnt about converting fractions, metrics, decimals and division and it was a lot of fun.
Next week, class 5 will be taking to the stage for their last theatre performance in the Primary School. Their play is based around football and it will be lots of fun. Having seen them perform many different plays over the last five years, I am sure there will be some Oscar winning performances!
Next week, Eric Davis is organising a cycling trip for class 4 on Wednesday. Having been out cycling with class 5 in the Babice, Mukarov and Jevany area recently, I am sure class 4 will have a fantastic time as it is a very beautiful area in which to spend a few hours. Eric will send all the relevant details but class students attending the cycle should make sure their bike is roadworthy, they should have a cycling helmet and also make sure to remember a packed lunch as cycling is hungry work!
On Thursday, we will have a festive morning oasis assembly which I am sure will be very enjoyable!
Dnes se u třeťáků odměňovalo. Petra Kobrová předala Nele Králové diplom, knihu plnou rébusů a také něco sladkého na zub za 1. místo v Matematickém klokanovi 2019 v kategorii Cvrček. Nelča získala plný počet bodů a sklidila za to zasloužený potlesk od svých spolužáků. Blahopřejeme a věříme, že bude vzorem pro další žáky školy Open Gate.
Saša Děžinská
V úterý si naši čtvrťáci vyzkoušeli volit do Evropského parlamentu. V týmech si nastudovali programy stran a vybrali ty nejschopnější kandidáty. Potom je čekal nejtěžší úkol – prosadit svou volbu klidnými, demokratickými prostředky před kandidáty jiných stran. Vybrat toho nejlepšího pro Českou republiku a obhájit si ho je opravdu moc důležité. Vyzkoušeli jsme si to nanečisto a těšíme se, jak to dopadne o víkendu načisto. J
Bára Sirková
Other than that, I hope you all have a good weekend!