Páteční pozdrav ze ZŠ
Dear parents,
I hope everyone is well and healthy. I went to Open Gate last Monday afternoon to pick up a couple of things and it was very eerie to be in the school with nobody else around. No sounds of students laughing and playing, no teachers and assistants doing some last minute photocopying, no Dorotka calmly calming walking to class with Sasa. It was very strange indeed. I thought about going to the classroom just as it had been so long since being in there but it wouldn’t have felt right without everyone else being in the school. If ever I thought I was in a zombie movie, it was then!
Máme tu opět pátek a tedy další pozdrav ze základní školy Open Gate, která je v tomto čase fakticky rozprostřena v okruhu mnoha kilometrů kolem Babic. Přinášíme několik aktuálních důležitých informací.
Je čtvrtletí, probíhají konzultace s rodiči a dětmi, hodnotíme výstupy dané naším školním vzdělávacím programem. Jsme si vědomi limitů a okolností současné situace, proto jsme některé principy průběžného hodnocení upravili tak, aby co nejvíce napomáhaly učení dětí a dávaly i nám relevantní zpětnou vazbu. Vycházíme z doporučení odborníků i vlastních zkušeností.
I am sure you saw yesterday that an end to some of the restrictions will be brought forward. We don’t know yet how that will affect schools but after last Monday, and after weeks of online teaching, I am sure we are all looking forward to getting back to normal as soon as it is safe to do so. I know from meetings with the English department and chats with the Czech department that we dearly miss the day to day life in the school.
But we are adaptable creatures and nobody exemplifies this more than the wonderful students in the primary school. I have been hugely impressed with the attitude, behaviour and effort of my classes these few weeks and I know from talking to the other teachers, they have been too. I was doing some observations this week so I got to see some of the other classes as well as my own and I think it is remarkable how well our students have adapted to everything. I know I have said something along these lines in recent Friday emails but given the circumstances, I feel it is worth mentioning again.
This week, parents were sent the jobs lists and accompanying notes for the Spring Cleaning Challenge. This year, more than any, having an appreciation for the effort required in making a home a home is especially important and I hope the challenge gives you a little more opportunity to relax while also introducing our students to some vital life skills.
V tuto chvíli učitelé dolaďují přesné zadání pro tradiční oborové prezentace. Řešíme jejich délku, formu a další parametry. Podrobnosti se dozvíte do konce příštího týdne. Každopádně už teď se těšíme, co si děti pro své spolužáky i pro nás připraví.
Pracujeme na možných variantách návratu dětí do školy od 25. května 2020. V tuto chvíli zjišťujeme informace a čekáme na prováděcí předpisy ze strany ministerstva školství, které nastaví základní pravidla.
So as the weekend is almost upon us, it is time to consider where tomorrow’s socially distanced run will be. I hope that whatever you are up to this weekend, that it is enjoyable and fun and that everyone is keeping well and healthy. Take care!
Přejeme krásný víkend.
Tým ZŠ Open Gate