Pravidelný páteční pozdrav ze ZŠ

Dear Parents,

I hope you are all well and having an enjoyable week. It seems like these Friday emails have been somewhat weather obsessed in recent weeks, (it’s an Irish pastime!) but it is very nice to look out the window this morning across the school campus, Babice and the surrounding forest to see trees and plant-life in bloom, and lo and behold, the reappearance of the great yellow ball in the sky! Long may it continue! Of course we need the rain to help things grow, but it’s definitely nice to welcome back the sun.

And with the light the sun brings, it also brings an extra bounce in the step of all the students in the primary school. Though maybe they are looking forward to the summer holidays which are but a month away. But still lots of wonderful things to do before the end of June!

This week, class 4’s cycling trip was unfortunately postponed because of the aforementioned weather. Eric Davis has rescheduled the trip for Wednesday next week. All the same details still apply, roadworthy bike, helmet, brightly coloured clothing and packed lunch, and I am sure it will be worth the wait!

Wednesday was a big day for class 5 this week. They performed their last ever play in the Primary School for all the classes, and then later on for the parents before having a thoroughly enjoyable party in the theatre. The play is called SK Klapzubova jedenáctka and it follows the fortunes of a family football team through a series of very entertaining football games and other adventures around the world, including a wonderful dance scene! Many thanks to all the parents for helping with the party. The play was a huge success and it can’t be long before we see it making its West End debut in London! Well done class 5, you always work so hard at everything you do to make it amazing and this was no exception!

On Thursday, we had Morning Oasis Assembly. We had a visitor, Jan Sedláček, from the rescue services who told us all about his life story. He was a child actor but most of his life has been dedicated to rescue services. He has always loved water, especially swimming and sailing. He has flown helicopters and driven ambulances as well as working with mountain rescue, but mostly he has worked with water rescue. In the last couple of years, he has been running a project to help educate children about water safety. The children found his presentation fascinating and it was a fitting end to this year’s Morning Oasis theme of Pass It On (Pošli to dál) to have such an inspirational figure join us.

On Thursday next week, we have our annual Blue Van Festival. As always, there will be many wonderful performances by students from the Primary School and the Gymnasium. There will be tasty food and it’s a great chance to enjoy the beautiful surrounds of our Open Gate campus and the weather is looking good too, so come and join us from 16.00 for a wonderfully entertaining afternoon!

Teachers from the English department will start hearing the English parts of presentations next week so make sure you find out from Jana, Eric or me when you will be presenting the English part of your presentation.

So from everyone in the Primary School, we wish you a warm and sunny weekend!



Milí rodiče,

dnes si pan Michalík (kolega z gymnázia) vyzvedl vyhodnocení celostátních výsledků v Matematickém Klokanovi. A máme být na koho pyšní! Nela (3. třída) byla v celostátním měřítku na 1. místě v kategorii Cvrček. Neli, děkujeme za dechberoucí reprezentaci naší školy! Ani studenti gymnázia nám neudělali ostudu a Václav Trpišovský byl v celostátním měřítku v kategorii Junior na 2. místě a Jakub Kára byl v kategorii student v celostátním měřítku na 10. místě. Gratulujeme!

V příštím týdnu děti třetí až páté třídy čekají poslední srovnávací písemné práce z češtiny a matematiky v tomto školním roce a pak už jen oborové prezentace, škola v přírodě a toužebně očekávané prázdniny! (To se pozná hlavně podle toho, že dětičky už jsou jak pytel blech a nepomáhá ani loupání očima...)

V tomto týdnu jsme završili na společné assembly celoroční projekt Pošli to dál. Nejenom děti, ale i dospělé inspiroval svou osobností pan Jan Sedláček a odhaduji, že po předání jeho poselství se nám v řadách „háďat“ líhnou budoucí záchranáři a hlavně dobří, odvážní a čestní lidé.

Také ode mne přijměte pozvání na již 14-tý ročník tradičního červnového open air festivalu ve čtvrtek 6.6. od 16:00. Opět pro Vás připravujeme bohatý program s nejedním překvapením.

Těšíme se na Vaši účast a přejme si krásný slunný den.

Naši milí, malí, všichni Vám přejeme k zítřejšímu Dni dětí, ať jste veselí, zdraví a šťastní!