Pravidelný páteční pozdrav ze ZŠ

Dear Parents,

I hope you are all well and have had a good weekend. I missed writing to you last week as we were on our way back from what was a very enjoyable Adaptation Trip. I am sure you have heard about it from your children.

It was a great experience for everyone and I think it helped create a good bond between everyone which is very important. We see every year how beneficial School in Nature is for strengthening relationships in the Primary School but that is at the end of the school year. We all believe that having a similar trip at the start of the school year will be as beneficial to students and teachers alike for the year that lies ahead. Even if some of the students found some teachers’ attempts at rock climbing to be very funny.

It was great to gather together on the second evening and cook sausages on the fire and the STAN camp where we stayed provided a wonderful selection of activities for everyone.

The next week in school is the last week before the autumn holiday and I am sure all the children are looking forward to a break and hopefully you will all have an enjoyable week.

But before that, we have our annual spook-fest that is Halloween Day, which is on Thursday October 24th. We are looking forward to seeing all the weird and wonderful costumes on Thursday, they are always amazing.

In the morning, we will start with morning oasis together in the foyer. After that, the students will be in four groups and will do four different activities during the morning. The activities will be fine for students in hauntingly wonderful costumes! One activity is in the sports hall so students should have suitable footwear for that.

In the afternoon, we have three different activities, rugby, nature walk and film club for the students. I spoke with all the classes today about the activities and we have divided the classes into the activity groups and tried to accommodate students as much as possible. You will find attached a list of the afternoon activities with the name of students for each one.

For the rugby group, please bring suitable sports clothing for outside. For the nature walk, please bring suitable clothing and footwear for walking in the forest. For the film club, Halloween costumes are fine!

We decided that the walk in the forest for class 1 could be a bit challenging depending on the weather conditions which is why there aren’t any class 1 students on the walk. We understand it must be a bit frustrating for them being told they can’t do some things but they will soon be ready and able for anything!

If you have any questions, please let me know.

Příští týden ve čtvrtek 24. 10. nás čeká Halloween. Tento den se děti nebudou učit dle rozvrhu a mohou přijít do školy v maskách. Den zahájíme společnou ranní oázou v hale školy a poté se děti vystřídají na 4 aktivitách. Jedna z aktivit je ve sportovní hale, proto je vhodné, aby děti měly s sebou sportovní obuv.  Odpoledne je připravený pestrý program v podobě rugby, procházky po okolí a filmového klubu. Rozdělení naleznete v příloze tohoto emailu. Snažili jsme se přiřadit děti k aktivitám podle jejich výběru, jen naše prvňáčky jsme zařadili na filmový klub, aby je starší kamarádi na procházce v lese neuštvaliJ  Prosíme, aby děti zapsané na ragby a na procházku, měly vhodné oblečení a obuv přiměřené počasí. Na filmovém klubu mohou děti zůstat v kostýmech.

So I wish you all a lovely weekend and enjoy the fine autumn weather.


Luke a celý tým ZŠ


Zveme všechny zájemce na kavárnu pro rodiče ve středu 23/10 od 16 hodin  – téma je i-zámky. Co jsou „i-zámky“? Co mi říkají o prospěchu mého dítěte? A jak se mu/jí tedy ve škole daří? A co škola hodnotí? Jaký je vztah mezi hodnocením na i-zámcích a vysvědčením? Je mou povinností sledovat i-zámky? Jak často se objevuje na i-zámcích hodnocení? Kdo jej zadává? Co je to ta váha?... Pokud se Vám hlavou honí tyto a další otázky spojené s hodnocením na i-zámcích, přijďte na kavárnu pro rodiče, kde si vše vyjasníme. Kavárna se bude konat v učebně 2.třídy (Jolana Nováková).