Pravidelný páteční pozdrav ze ZŠ
Dear Parents,
we hope you are all well and have had a good week.
This morning we had morning oasis together in the hall. It was the first advent morning oasis of the year and it was very pleasant to be together and make the primary school wreath and sing our advent songs.
Páteční ranní oázou v hale školy jsme symbolicky vstoupili do doby adventu. Společně jsme větvičku po větvičce vytvořili náš školní adventní věnec a zapálili první svíčku.
Advent is an important time of year. It gives us the opportunity to reflect upon the year we have had. It is a good time to think about what was good about the year and what wasn’t, what we did well and what we can focus on for improvement in the coming New Year.
The advent oases we have in December too will be a great opportunity for us all to reflect on 2019 and look forward look forward to 2020.
S blížícími se Vánocemi souvisí také řada charitativních projektů, do kterých se naše škola zapojuje či je přímo organizuje. V průběhu týdne jste mohli v prostoru družiny či vstupu do školy zahlédnout děti s kasičkou vybírající příspěvky pro Dětský domov Racek v Benešově. Za všechny dary velmi děkujeme.
Next week, we have morning oasis assembly on Tuesday and have a special guest from UNICEF to make a presentation for the school. Our own Bara Sirkova will also speak to the children about the meaning of advent which will be very interesting.
V nadcházejícím týdnu nás nejprve v úterý čeká společné ranní shromáždění v divadle školy věnované období adventu a vánočním svátkům. Ve čtvrtek pak očekáváme návštěvu svatého Mikuláše a jeho andělského i čertovského doprovodu. Svatý Mikuláš a legendy s ním spojené dostali prostor v některých ranních oázách v uplynulém týdnu.
Next week in the primary school, we will be doing No Food Waste week. Every day in the canteen, and I am sure in canteens in many schools, food is unnecessarily wasted. We want to encourage the children to think about how much they want to eat and be comfortable asking for a smaller portion if they are not hungry and getting more food if they are still hungry.
We also want them to understand how lucky we are to have such access to good food every day as there are many in the world who do not. Especially as it is advent, we think it is important that we all are thankful for what we have and understand how fortunate we are. I will also be encouraging the staff to set a good example by leaving no food waste during lunch. And while the project is for a week, I hope everyone learns from it and can continue making an effort to reduce food waste throughout the school year.
We wish you all a peaceful advent and an enjoyable weekend.
Celý tým ZŠ