Pravidelný páteční pozdrav ze ZŠ
Dear Parents,
On behalf of everyone in the primary school, I hope you ae all well and healthy during these times. In Ireland we often greet each other by saying ‘how are you?’ to which the usual response is also ‘how are you’, ‘fine’ or ‘grand’. But at a time like this I am sue when people express an interest in the wellbeing of others, it is more heartfelt and sincere. That is not to doubt the sincerity of the Irish, we are very sincere people! But when there are important people in your life with whom personal contact has been greatly reduced or limited due to circumstances like we find ourselves in now, I believe people do care more. Open Gate is a special place and I know the staff in Open gate are missing being in the school and having the children there, and I know from talking to my classes during the week, they too dearly miss the time in school with their friends, and dare I say it, even miss the teachers!
The response to the Covid-19 pandemic has differed greatly from country to country. My home country, Ireland, was not the fastest in stepping up to deal with the problem though Ireland has been making a much stronger effort in the last two weeks. Some countries have not dealt with the issue so well, but I am very pleased with the effort made in the Czech Republic by the government and by its people in tackling the pandemic. I do believe the county and its people can be proud of the collective reaction at this time. I have lived here for nine and a half years and am proud to call the Czech Republic my home and it has been reassuring to see how we have all reacted to what is going on.
It hasn’t been easy to adapt to distance learning for students, parents and teachers alike but it has been an interesting challenge, from which I am sure we have all learnt something, and from which we have all grown as people. On behalf of everyone in the primary school, I would like to thank all the parents for their continued support and kind words during this time and I would especially like to commend our fine Open Gate primary school students who have shown all of us how strong they are.
Těší nás, že v končícím týdnu úspěšně proběhl pilotní provoz on-line video výuky ve čtvrté třídě. Zároveň jsme moc rádi, že jste dnes mohli od třídních učitelů obdržet podrobné informace k pondělnímu spuštění on-line video výuky na platformě Microsoft Teams ve všech třídách. Učitelé byli v tomto týdnu zaškoleni do užívání, seznámili se s funkcionalitami, které nám umožní pondělní ostrý start. Všechny děti mají založené účty připravené k využití. Počítáme s tím, že další školení učitelů budou následovat a postupně budeme využívat více funkcí, které Microsoft Teams nabízí. Na testování nového systému máme v příštím týdnu tři dny, pak výuku přeruší velikonoční prázdniny.
Znovu bychom chtěli poděkovat za veškerou zpětnou vazbu, kterou od Vás dostáváme. Moc si jí ceníme a pomáhá nám. Ve středu 15. dubna, tedy pět školních dní po spuštění nového systému, se na Vás znovu obrátíme s dotazníkem a budeme rádi, pokud nám poskytnete obsáhlejší zpětnou vazbu. Do té doby oceníme jakékoli Vaše dotazy, zprávy, komentáře.
I hope with the fine effort being made in the Czech Republic that we will see each other sooner rather than later and once again the classrooms and corridors of the primary school will be filled with noise and laughter. But in the meantime, we appreciate your support and we will continue to make sure we do our best to continue the learning process and I am sure our wonderful students will continue to do their best to learn and grow at this time.
Of course it is not only about teaching and learning. Being quarantined is a difficult situation for everyone, both physically and mentally. We miss meeting friends and loved ones. We miss the sports we do, our hobbies and interests, enjoying the pleasant spring weather and fresh air without a mask on. Legs are not being stretched as often, we are currently spending more time inside, sitting down, probably in front of screens and that is difficult. So I hope in the coming weeks, we can find it within ourselves, to adapt, to find ways of getting some fresh air, a bit of exercise, maybe having an online cup of tea or coffee, or a tasty pivo, with friends! And while we have to do so with facemasks and social distancing, I am sure the excellent effort being made by so many will benefit us as we can return to a normal way of life sooner, rather than later.
So we wish you all a pleasant weekend, stay well and healthy and take care.
Celý tým ZŠ