What has been happening in the English department this week?
Halloween was obviously the big day this week and you can read about that in the Friday email. Let’s take a look at what else has been happening in the primary school this week.
Class 1
In class 1 this week, we had a number of different activities. On Monday, we did some reading activities, and we had some discussions about what we read. On Tuesday, we had an art project about the Halloween—an event that took place on Thursday. On Wednesday, we practised some phonics (V, N, and C), and we also learned how to write the aforementioned letters. On Friday, we worked on our incredible English, and the focus was placed on learning new vocabulary. (FM)
Class 2
In PE this week, class 2 started the twice monthly rugby training course and they enjoyed it a lot. Rugby is developing very quickly in the Czech Republic and it is a great way to get exercise and have fun at the same time! (LR)
Class 2 have also been learning about furniture and on Monday, they brought picture of their rooms to describe to everyone. We all enjoyed talking about all the rooms and sharing our thoughts. (JU)
Class 3
In class 3, we have been learning about different kinds of animals that live all over the world. Everyone chose an animal, wrote “If I were an animal, I’d be a…” and then described what they would eat, where they would live and what their life would be like. Everyone also drew a picture. You can see the finished pictures and sentences in the hallway. (JU)
Class 4
In class 4 this week, we did our usual phonics work on Tuesday and on Wednesday, our improvised comedy practice. I am so impressed at how well they do the improv and they have wonderful imaginations! (LR))
In art, class 4 have made some beautiful spooky landscapes using wax crayons and watercolours. They were very creative and the pictures look great! (JU)
Class 5
In class 5 this week, we did more work on our robots and I am sure soon it will be the students who are teaching me robotics! And they are all working so well together with it too! We also did some preparation work for the reporters for the Halloween Day this week, and Czechoslovakia Day on Monday. We also had some fun playing brain teaser and logic games which was very interesting. (LR)