During November, in Prostějov, Ostrava and Zlín, children can sit mock admission tests

The Open Gate grammar school in Babice near Prague provides the highest level of education for children who have the aptitude to achieve excellent academic results. The mock tests, which will be taken in Prostějov, Ostrava and Zlín, allow children to try out the procedure for admission to this grammar school. Half the pupils are studying here thanks to grants. If the children pass the tests, they will only face an interview during the conventional admission procedure. The Open Gate grammar school offers accommodation in student dormitories, thereby facilitating studies for children from all regions.

In 2005, the Open Gate eight-year grammar school in Babice near Prague was the first boarding grammar school in the Czech Republic. In addition to the Czech school-leaving examination, experienced teachers prepare students for the International Baccalaureate (IB) at the school. From their results in IB examinations, Open Gate students are among the best not only in the Czech Republic but even globally. Every year, IB opens the door for students to enrol at prestigious foreign universities such as the University of Oxford and the University of Cambridge.

Thanks to a grant system, studies at the school are open for all children who are motivated and academically gifted. Through need-based scholarships, The Kellner Family Foundation supports approximately half of all Open Gate School students. In 2013, scholarships were granted to 119 students and totalled CZK 42 million.

“The scholarship holders include a student from the Klokánek child care facility and nine students from children’s homes. Fifty-one scholarship holders come from single-parent families whose socio-economic status would have prevented them from providing their children with good education matching the children’s talents and determination to learn,” says Peter Nitsche, Open Gate School Principal.

The mock tests are intended for fifth year students. They will have the opportunity to take an IQ test and a test of academic aptitude. If they pass the tests, they will only face an interview during the conventional admission procedure.

The mock tests will take place in Prostějov, Ostrava and Zlín in the latter half of November:

  • PROSTĚJOV, 20 November 2014 from 10am; ZŠ Jana Železného, Sídliště svobody 24/79, Prostějov
  • OSTRAVA, 25 November 2014 from 10am; Gymnázium Hladnov, Hladnovská 35, Ostrava-Slezská Ostrava
  • ZLÍN, 26 November 2014 from 10am; ZŠ Zlín, tř. Svobody 868, Zlín-Malenovice

The Open Gate grammar school in Babice near Prague can be compared to the classic British boarding schools. Children do not come to school for just a few hours of learning in classrooms per day, they spend their free time there engaging in extra-mural activities, developing their abilities, learning to work and looking for team solutions.

“Their involvement in a number of extra-mural activities pulls the students into environments and situations that help to develop their personalities in both intellectual and emotional respects. They become aware that not all people have the same opportunities and the same good luck, which motivates them to further intensive learning and gives them an opportunity to understand different environments and different views of the world,” adds Peter Nitsche.

The Open Gate School campus features state-of-the-art furnishings and offers the students modern classrooms and accommodation, outdoor and indoor sport arenas, children’s playgrounds, an indoor swimming pool, a library, a theatre and many other facilities needed for the all-round development of young students.
