Counselling Services
School counselling services have been provided in various forms since the inception of Open Gate. We are governed by the current Czech legislation; the main goal of the School Counselling Centre (SCC) is not only to care for pupils and students with specific educational needs, but also to coordinate the development of their talents and gifts.
We are ready to help students and their guardians to manage the demands of studying at our school, coping with the workload and possible stress. Since the school's inception, counselling in relation to the choice of further study or career direction has been an important part of the counselling process, as well as counselling to deal with any personal, relationship or family difficulties.
Our SCC currently includes a school psychologist, two educational counsellors, a school prevention methodologist, two school special educators and two career counsellors.
Our goal is to offer and, when appropriate, provide a professional, safe, confidential and trustworthy counseling service that is both effective and leads to solutions to current problems. The activities of the SCC staff are bound by legal standards and professional codes of ethics. The services of the SCC are offered as an option; it is the choice of pupils and guardians whether to use it.
The advantage of the SPP is a good knowledge of the internal environment of the school, close links with the teaching staff and the school administration, and proximity to the students and their potential difficulties. However, the location of the SCC and the School Guidance Office (SGO) outside the main buildings of the secondary and primary school is a considerable advantage.
When needed, we have set up effective collaboration with outside mental health professionals.
All services provided by the SCC are provided free of charge.
SCC Open Gate Services
- consultancy and advisory services to pupils and students of primary school and grammar school, their legal representatives, teachers, tutors and other school staff
- care for pupils with special educational needs
- care for talented and gifted pupils
- effective prevention of school failure
- addressing any learning or educational problems
- working with class teams (diagnosis of relationships – classroom climate, school climate, development of cooperation and communication, strengthening positive relationships, developing personality and social skills)
- promoting the education and social inclusion of pupils from different cultural backgrounds, with different native languages and living conditions
- providing crisis intervention for a child who finds himself in a psychologically extremely challenging situation
- preventing risky forms of behaviour
- helping to deal with emergency situations
- methodological support for teachers in the use of psychological and special educational procedures in the school's educational activities
- social counselling
- career counselling
- relationship and personality counselling
- psychological and therapeutic support
Counselling Services Team
Juchová Monika
Behavioural Counsellor, Special Needs Teacher, Grammar School Speech Therapist Full profile
Bílková Petra
Psychologist for the primary and grammar schools and the Pedagogical-Psychological Counselling Services Full profile
Hampejsová Jiřina
Czech Teacher for students with DMT, Pedagogical Assistant: Learning Support Center at secondary school; School Preventist
hampejsova@opengate.czFull profile
Hemer Lucie
Special Needs Teacher for Pedagogical-Psychological Counselling Services
hemer@opengate.czFull profile
Procházková Kristýna
Community Service Coordinator, CAS and EE, Career Counsellor
prochazkova@opengate.czFull profile
Vítková Pavla
Teacher of Czech and IB Czech, Coordinator of the Talent and Talent Support Network
vitkova@opengate.czFull profile