Priknerová Petra
Special Needs Teacher at Primary School
Phone: +420 702 190 483
Since childhood, Petra wanted to work with people. After graduating from the Secondary Medical School in Benešov, she studied Special Education, majoring in counselling. In 2003 she started working as a therapist with children leaving children's homes. During her professional journey she changed several facilities focusing on working with people with experience of mental illness or providing support to families and traumatized children. To this day, she continues to work with children who have various difficulties in everyday life and school in her therapeutic and counseling practice.
2015-2017 | Systemic work with couple and family, ISZ, Prague (200 hours)
2010-2011 | Supervision Training II, Ivana Veltrubská, Luboš Smékal (140 hours)
2009-2011 | Training of professionals supporting the improvement of the quality of social services trained in supervision skills, Instand, Prague (188 hours)
2004-2008 | Intensive training program in counseling and psychotherapy focused on people according to C.Rogers, PCA – institute, Prague (770 hours)
1999-2004 | Special Education – Counselling, Faculty of Education, Charles University, Prague
Petra od mládí jezdila na letní dětské tábory, které sama organizovala a působila zde jako vedoucí a zdravotnice. Krátký čas učila na 1.stupni ZŠ Hloubětínská a asi dva roky pracovala v Pedagogicko psychologické poradně jako Okresní metodik prevence. Od roku 2010 lektoruje pro rodiče a pěstouny semináře s tématy zaměřenými na výchovu a psychickou pohodu u dětí. Od roku 2015 vyučuje na Střední pedagogické škole v Berouně – aktuálně učí dálkové studenty předměty Speciální pedagogika a Psychologie.
Petra likes to travel and explore foreign countries. She is interested in gardening and enthusiastically designs gardens for her friends. She often brings found dogs and cats to her house, where she lives with her husband and son. She spends a lot of time just hanging out with her friends.