Extracurricular Activities
We want our alumni to be truly versatile. We send them out into life equipped not only with education, but also with social and emotional intelligence. A wide range of activities outside the classroom help us do just that.
We give students the opportunity to develop almost any kind of talent. It doesn't matter if they discover a love for ceramics, music, cooking, swimming, languages, floorball or even horseback riding. At Open Gate, we can help them with almost anything.
Students organise their own free time, it's up to them which clubs they choose and what they get involved in. Some older students even help run activities for younger classmates.
The range of extra-curricular activities for students at the Gymnasium is well thought out to cultivate the human personality in every way. This is in line with the requirements of The Duke of Edinburgh's Award (DofE) programme in which we are involved as a school.
Auksys – sign up for your activities.
We offer over thirty different clubs – you will find sports, cultural, language and manual activities among them. Something for everyone.
All clubs for students were open during the week of Monday, September 18.
The school reserves the right to make changes to the extra-curricular activities without giving reasons if necessary.
For students who want to delve more into their dream field, then we have a selection of Academic Clubs.
- Piano
- Guitar
- Violin
- Choir
- Vocals
- Dance
- Badminton
- Swimming
- Ball Games
- Ping-Pong
- Floorball
- Football
- Volleyball
- Yoga
- Krav Maga
- Horse Care
- Calligraphy
and Poster Making - Photo Club
- Literature, Theatre and Film Club
- Theatre Workshop
- Theatre Club
- Chinese
- Ceramics
- Chess
- Cooking
- Vegetarian Cuisine
- Gardening
- 3D Printing Academic Club
- Junior Robotics Academic Club
- Senior Robotics Academic Club
- GameDev Academic Club
- Computer Science Academic Club
- Latin Academic Club
- Mathematics Academic Club
- Natural Sciences Academic Club
- Finance Literacy Academic Club
- Debating Academic Club
- Psychology Academic Club
- Journalism Academic Club