Academic Clubs
Academic clubs attract students who know what they want to do after school but do not want to wait until they are at university. They are for students who want to explore more and in depth now.
That is why they undertake internships, and organise seminars and lectures with practitioners on specialised subjects. In this way, students learn things that are not normally available in the secondary-school curriculum.
It is rare to find academic clubs at other Czech schools. We are particularly proud of ours, especially because they are co - run by the students themselves, are entirely voluntary and attract great interest from students.
List of Open Gate Academic Clubs for the 2023/2024 School Year
- 3D Printing Academic Club
- Junior Robotics Academic Club
- Senior Robotics Academic Club
- GameDev Academic Club
- Computer Science Academic Club
- Latin Academic Club
- Mathematics Academic Club
- Natural Sciences Academic Club
- Finance Literacy Academic Club
- Debating Academic Club
- Psychology Academic Club
- Journalism Academic Club