News from Primary school
Dear parents, guardians, and friends of our-your school,
as the temperature outside climbs to new heights and our first graders are away enjoying school in nature, the rest of our student body is back in school reflecting on their own school in nature experiences. Their countless experiences are still being shared even now at the end of the week. What are students doing if they aren’t busy sharing their school in nature experiences? They are listening, and very carefully at that. All week the students have been busy giving their end of year presentations and the topics are just fascinating. The school halls echo with the sound of very deserving applause after applause. The experiences the students are gaining are undoubtedly valuable and will benefit each one of them.
Our last week of school before summer vacation will be highlighted by two assemblies. The first of which will take place on Monday and will be dedicated to the soon to be finished 10-year project. We will meet several interesting guests, and we will discuss the project Run and Help which will take place next Thursday. Unfortunately, it isn’t possible for parents, guardians, and friends of the school to participate this year, but I firmly believe that next year will be different. Run and Help is a group initiative of our community where we celebrate our health, physical movement, and thinking about others. By participating in the Run and Help initiative we raise awareness that we have the possibility of walking, running, jumping, drawing, playing ball games, and a general celebration of movement. Nevertheless, it is important to remember that there are people among us who face obstacles doing even everyday activities. This year we are supporting 11-year-old Ondrej, an inspired athlete, who since childbirth is missing a part of his left hand. Through financial donations we hope to help Ondrej obtain a bionic prosthetic. Starting Monday, anyone can contribute into the donation box which will be placed by Marketa’s desk. Thank you for helping us help!
The second assembly this week and last assembly of this year will take place on Friday. We will officially give out the report cards and say our goodbyes for the summer.
Dear parents, grandparents, and friends,
There is no greater reward for a teacher then when students look forward to going to school and feel happy there. For instance, when asked our students to return school textbooks, students refused saying that they still aren’t done learning, summer vacation hasn’t started just yet, and they aren’t done enjoying school. And so, I wish for all of us to always find time to enjoy life and to always do so with childlike enthusiasm and happiness.
For the primary school team,
1st grade
This week our 1st graders were transported to the magical land of Treskoprsky – the home of our Ctyrlistek friends Bobik, Fifinka, Pinda and Myspulin. Before our arrival into Treskoprsky (Doksy) we took some time to explore Hrad Bezzub which we know by the name of Bezdez. The terrain was a challenge but our climb got our bodies moving after our long bus ride. All of our first grade friends made it to the top of the hill where we could clearly see our home (rybnik Blatak more commonly known as Machovo Jezero) for the week in the distance. With our tummies rumbling we descended the hill of Castle Bezdez in a flash and made our way to the wonderful Hotel Belevue for a filling lunch. With tummies full we decided to explore our new home and walked to the beach to build sandcastles. Once we knew the lay of the land we competed in various sport disciplines with our friend Pinda. On Tuesday we went on an adventure with our friend Fifinka. We took a boat ride across Machovo Jezero to Stary Splavy and hiked back through the woods along the banks of the lake, exploring blueberry bushes and sandstones as we went. We even found a geocache during our travels!! Wednesday was our day with Bobik and can you believe that we found buried treasure on the beach! An old sea captain left us a map and we had so much fun searching for our treasure. In the afternoon we visited the Ctyrlistek Museum where we learned many new facts about our Ctyrlistek friends. On Thursday, our last full day of School in Nature, we made scientific discoveries with Myspulin. We learned all kinds of new things about some animal friends at the Zoopark and we even had time to create our own elixir of joy! On Friday we will pack our things and leave the magical Treskoprsky with some amazing memories of days filled with swimming, ice cream and friends. We cannot wait to tell you all about our adventures in person! (TČ, CJ)

2nd grade
After arriving back from school in nature, second graders were longing after their friends, and everyone were excited for school after the weekend. On Monday we assessed our week in nature at Sobenak and handed out a few more deserving awards. On Tuesday second graders wrote their last dictation of the school year and started presentations on Wednesday. All end of year presentations have been of high quality. The topics are fascinating, and each student tries to impress in different ways. It is a joy to watch! We are very proud of our class. (SD, SM)
This week second graders reviewed most of their phonic sounds through fun games, riddles and crosswords. They wrote their first big book review in English; some may even make it to our OG newsletter! We also focused on reading comprehension skills in class, answered detailed questions and had a discussion about the story afterwards. In the Art class children learned how to draw a self- portrait and had lots of fun expressing their inner self using collage technic. We also learned many new things during some amazing presentations! (SM)

3rd grade
Class three jumped straight into presentations after returning from school in nature. We have already heard such topics and learned about coral reefs, horses, wolves, and safaris. Do you know how much life is contained in just one drop of water? We do! We also learned that moldavite is a precious stone, and it can be found in the Czech Republic. Even though summer holidays are fast approaching, and adventures await, we feel a little sad that we won’t be together. But! We will definitely talk about our adventures and experiences in the fall! (MZ)
Class 3 took out their Incredible English book for the last time this year and finished Unit 8. We took time to look back on the year and reflect. We will share our most important memories in our last Morning Oasis next week. We finished the week by creating our own trivia quizzes for our classmates. (JD)
In class 3 this week, we did have our last phonics of the year, the wonderfully confusing TI, CH and SH, which all have a SH sound. WHAT??? But as always, we remembered the words well. And we also spent some time outside in the glorious sunshine, learning how to play football golf! (LR)

4th grade
First aid course with class four
The whole gang took a course of first aid before summer vacation starts. We had the pleasure of welcoming first aid responders from the Prague first aid response team, and they explained the most vital information. Everyone did a fantastic job and I believe we are all ready in case of an emergency. P.S. The whole class four gang asks those who read our articles to download the application ZÁCHRANKA into their mobile devices. It can save your life. Thank you, class, Terezka, and Monika. (TK)
Class 4 had the pleasure of preparing questions and interviewing their class teacher Tereza Kasalova for the second edition of the school newspaper. We also brushed up on our baseball/softball knowledge in preparation for the big match against class 5 next week. We finished the week preparing trivia quizzes in teams. Next week we will find out who the trivia champs in class 4 really are! (JD)

5th grade
Every year, the week after school in nature is known as “end of year presentation week” in class five. We had to change our plans a bit this year and squeeze all the presentations into one week. We were able to listen to, see, and learn about a variety of interesting topics in a short time. It was evident that most class five students were presenting for the fifth time as their experience was visible and audible. Since it is difficult to keep focused and digest so much information, we tried to balance out the whole week with physical activities too by spending most breaks on the playground. The kids also played a baseball game with Luke and tried a bit of pétanque. We are very much looking forward to the final week of school! (SČ)
We took a break from PET this week and made the most of the fine weather to train for our game of softball against class 5 next week! It is going to be some game! (LR)
In class 5 this week, we spent a lot of time outside. We played softball to practise for our game against class 4 next Tuesday morning. We also played football golf and petanque. We did do some reading comprehension too, learning how to take care of dogs, which was very interesting! (LR)

Marie Zicháčková