Tomášek Jan
Head of the Humanities Deparment; Teacher of History, Geography, IB History and Latin
Phone: +420 602 825 791
Jan comes from Most, which he left for Prague to read History, Archive Studies and Auxiliary Historical Sciences at Charles University’s Faculty of Arts. He reached the teaching profession via a detour through the academic world, and completed his pedagogical education in a lifelong education programme. When still enrolled, he completed two study stays at universities in Leipzig and Berlin. In addition to teaching, he studies the history and promotes the culture and language of Lusatian Sorbs. He also writes reviews specialising in medieval Czech and German technical publications for the Mediaevalia Historica Bohemica periodical and for Česko-lužický věstník (The Czech-Lusatian Newsletter).
2021 | Faculty of Arts of Charles University in Prague, Department of Czech History, the Oldest Czech History programme (a doctoral programme, specialising in early Slavonic culture in the Elbe region)
2012 and 2014 | one-year study stays at Universität Leipzig – Alma Mater Lipsiensis, and Freie Universität Berlin – Friedrich-Meinecke-Institut
2012-2014 | Lifelong Education Course (Teaching at Secondary Schools)
2008-2013 | Faculty of Arts of Charles University in Prague, Department of Auxiliary Historical Sciences and Archive Studies, specialising in History and Archiving, and Auxiliary Historical Sciences (bachelor’s and master’s programmes)
Jan has been teaching since 2013 and has experience teaching at primary school level, as well as secondary school and secondary vocational school. He joined Open Gate in 2016 and two years later started to teach IB History. In 2017 he completed a certified IB DP course in Dubai. He also organises Latin clubs for Open Gate pupils.
Jan has never visited as many places as he would wish. His longing for travel and adventure is growing stronger with age. His travel pack always includes at least two books (in case he finishes one!). Books and comics are his love and consolation in hard times. He is a true connoisseur of fantasy literature and the film industry. In his spare time he likes to build models, in particular historical vessels between the 18th and the 20th centuries. He also dedicates a lot of time to Latin and to history. Recently, he has been spending most of his time trying to figure out how to be a good role model for his children!