Class 5 Letter Exchange
On Thursday this week, Class 5 received their first letters from Grantham Village School in New Hampshire in the USA. The excitement over the last couple of weeks in anticipation of the letters arriving was clear to see but the moment when they got their letters and opened them, it was like a mini Christmas! The excitement was immeasurable but hopefully some of the pictures will give you an idea.
In a world where communication is so instant nowadays because of the Internet and smart phones, apps like WhatsApp, sometimes we can forget the beauty of patiently waiting for something and the joy at when it arrives. And even the exchange of simple gifts like coins from one’s native country or a picture of the flag can be such a magic moment when done through old-fashioned letter writing and not possible by email or text.
Class 5 will be getting ready to write their replies shortly and I know from speaking to the teacher and the headmistress of Grantham Village School, the kids over there are equally full of excitement in anticipation of their next letter! Long may it continue!