Friday news

Dear Parents, Guardians, Students, Graduates and Friends of Open Gate,

The vagaries and vicissitudes of Central European weather continue to vex this writer, but what can I do?

I am not a fan of Czech winters as you may have gathered.

This week, due to the IB mock examinations taking place in the school theatre, assemblies were postponed.

Normal service is resumed at the conclusion of the IB trials; Monday assembly for juniors, and Thursday

as ever for the senior school.

All twelve IB subjects were represented at the examination session with students able to determine just how

ready, prepared and able they are to face the real thing in May. These mocks will show them where the

shortfalls, if any, are, and thus what still requires that extra level of attention.

Amongst those students currently in the process of application to university: two have already received conditional

acceptance, including scholarship, to the USA including to Yale. No names at this stage – I do not want to tempt


If you were to scan the calendar for your child’s year group you would find the whole array of activities expected at

this time of year, (subject tests, presentations, projects, events), in preparation for those end of term reports.

I am sure all of us have high expectations for our students‘ results, and wish them luck.

Sekunda students are off to the Sumava mountains for their week ski course – snow is assured. Just come back

safely please.

Ignore my curmudgeonly attitude to winter weather and do enjoy this snowy weekend to the full.

Best wishes, Peter Nitsche.
