​School magazine of the year awards

On Friday, December 2, 2016, three school representatives of the OG Chronicle student magazine team, Mikuláš Plešák, Tereza Milošová a Debora Poštulková, went to Brno to receive three prestigious awards in the national school magazine competition held by Asociace středočeských klubů České republiky, z. s.

The 2016 tenth annual competition saw 489 contenders competing in seven categories. Our team was awarded fourth place in the overall competition of middle-school and high-school magazines and the first place in the graphic and design category. In the category of club and other magazines, another first place. This success delights us greatly and motivates us to future hard work.

The award ceremony took place in Brno at the Faculty of Social Sciences on the occasion of Multimedia Open Days. The program offered students and pupils a possibility to experience and take part in a number of events, ranging from workshops, debates and media-fair to interesting lectures. We gladly used this opportunity and attended two of the debates with the foremost representatives of Czech journalism.

We hope we will attend next year’s ceremony in a greater number and if we keep the same enthusiasm and want to turn this year’s happy circumstance into a rule, we surely will bring home more awards.

Pavla Trnková
