​Veni, vidi, vici

The regional competition the “School Magazine of 2016” took place in Prague on Thursday 14 April 2016. We entered the Prague city area category, which had the most school entries in it, and we won many top prizes! While the title of the contest says “magazine”, we entered our five-language, student-produced newspaper. There were many great magazine and journal entries into the contest, and a few other newspapers. It was a great honor to walk away with so many awards for this first year of our revised newspaper format.

The contest asked that we send our two most recent editions of our printed product, which was good because we only had two! Entries were judged on content, style, layout, headlines, graphics, and other categories. On Thursday’s award ceremony, we were invited to bring five of our eight student editors for a morning of media-related workshops. Attending the event were Adam Polanek (Co-editor of World News and The Krognika), Tereza Milosova (Co-editor of World News & Current Affairs), Tereza Podhajska (Co-editor of Social Commentary & Opinion), Debora Postulkova (Co-editor of Variety), and Mikulas Plesak (Editor and Design Guru for all three newspapers); multiple other schools attended the event.

In truth, we did not know if the contest would even accept and consider our entry as everything about the contest marketed to Czech schools and was written in Czech, but we took a shot. We are extremely grateful they rewarded our hard work this year! The combined school newspaper of our five language departments (English, French, Spanish, German, and Czech) won the following prizes in the grammar schools category:

  • “First Place Overall”
  • “Best Content”
  • “Best Graphics”
  • “Best Headlines”

Our newspaper now advances to the national competition in Brno which will take place next December. Wish us luck!

Trisha Pospisil
