News from Primary school
Dear parents and friends of the school,
At the beginning of this letter I will not forgive myself for a little relief that I am now feeling - do you know how many songs were sung in primary school this week? PrýNula! Indeed, from Monday it has looked like the Proud Princess of the Midnight Kingdom in the elementary school. At the beginning of the morning oases, instead of singing, we practice only listening to classical and non-serious music. Some regulations may complicate our school lives a bit and we complain about them here and there, but we will continue to pay attention to their strict observance in order to avoid possible problems. We are glad that we can still go to school and see the children and our colleagues on a regular basis.
It is said that whoever is ready is not surprised - that is why, instead of teaching optional subjects, an hour was held in all classes this week reviewing the MS Teams application. However, we all hope that a possible lockdown and distance learning is the darkest scenario that will not materialize.
However, you must certainly be interested in the activities that the children have done in the past week. So here we go!
Class 1 had a theme of Apples this week. They read about them, researched them and devoted themselves to painting them in their artistic activities. They told each other various stories about this fruit and worked with them. Handwriting practice also revolved around apples and counting. The whole week was closed by apple-making and tasting of various apple variations.

In the second class, these globetrotters repeated everything they learned about our homeland. They will tell you who is the president of the Czech Republic and where he is based. They can list the national symbols of our country and know some of the monuments that appear in our capital. They also reminisced about their visit to the family farm in Třebusice while having an "egg morning". They read about eggs, counted them and formed the egg alphabet. In the end, they made paper chickens and made a wonderful spread from homemade eggs, which they also ate themselves.

There was a full week of experiences with third-graders. After the first weekend expedition, Badík returned dressed head to toe in a research suit. The third-graders tested their architectural skills and set about planning and building cubic buildings. They repeated the multiplier, the form of sound, played with sentence patterns and traveled into space. The biggest success, however, was that they met again as a complete class, which is why the research T-shirts were handed over.

You may not have noticed, but on Sunday, October 4, we commemorated International Animal Day. Class 4 took it very seriously, and two specimens of the African snail were added to the class. And although the snails are hermaphrodites, they were given both girls 'and boys' names - Ella and Evžen. However, having a pet also carries with it a great deal of responsibility, which the Class 4 students will soon learn first-hand.

Year 5 students commemorated Library Week by visiting the school library, where they borrowed some interesting titles. In addition, they ended their talk about Greek myths by searching for various mythical figures and monsters in the starry sky and creating their constellations in art education.

This was the summary of the most important activities that happened at our OG elementary school this past week. On behalf of the entire teaching staff, I wish you an undisturbed and peaceful weekend, and we look forward to further cooperation with you and your children.
Activities in English lessons:
Class 1 :
Besides having fun in the classroom through playing educational games (e.g., Simon says and Bingo), the children learned new vocabulary related to parts of the body: face, ears, eyes, mouth, nose, and hair). Also, the children practised speaking, where we talked about colours and what they have got (e.g., I ‘ve got a blue pencil case). Further, we learned how to read through phonics (JRVL) and (MNCZ). The children also had an apple-themed art project.
Class 2:
This week was busy for class 2. We continued learning about the musical instruments that comprise an orchestra. We matched the appropriate instruments to the melodies of Peter and the Wolf and watched a Disney rendition of the famous musical piece. We ended music class by drawing our favorite characters and scene from Peter and the Wolf. In class, we read a book titled “Leek Hotpot”, in which Kipper and his family make soup for their mother. In Incredible English we are learning about furniture and should be finishing unit 2 next week.
Class 3:
In class 3 this week, we had some very interesting presentations. Each student chose a location and wrote two things they could see, hear, smell, taste and touch there. Then they presented their senses to the class and the class had to guess where they were. Some very interesting ideas and some even very poetic! (Luke)
In class 3, the children did their weekly spelling test. Additionally, we did lots of work on Incredible English: we finished the first chapter of the book and we started the second one. The children also learned new vocabulary related to clothing, and we practised speaking (e.g., what is she/she wearing? She is wearing blue trousers). We also did our weekly reading on the board (Sports Now and Then), where we discussed a lot about how sports equipment, rules, and clothes have changes over time. (Felizardo)
Class 4:
Class 4 read an interesting book titled “Deep Down and Weird” where we learned about the different creatures living in the depths of the oceans. We created our own “weird” creatures and presented them to our classmates. We finished our maps of the Czech republic and are looking forward to presenting them in class next week. We continued our journey in Incredible English where we are focused on jobs. In class we discussed a wide range of jobs and the obligations associated to them with focus on modal verbs (have to, must, need to)
Class 5:
In class 5 this week, we started preparing posters for the Class President campaign. We have five candidates, they are Kira, Rosie, Nela, Sam and Alex. I am sure they would all make great presidents but we will have to wait and see who it is. We will have some presidential debates and then the class will vote the week before the autumn holiday. (Luke)