News from Primary school
Dear parents,
The year 2020 will be considered by many as one of the strangest and most demanding, but at the same time it has certainly brought something positive to each of us. Although this overused word can already provoke a certain degree of agitation in the current difficult times, I would like to briefly share with you what I have encountered during my time at Open Gate and what has made me happy.
The most positive thing for me is finding that my colleagues at Open Gate really understand teaching as their mission and do everything in their power for children. The dedication and determination with which they take care of our students under ever-changing conditions convinces me that the world is still alright here at Open Gate, and that values such as friendship, respect, responsibility or honesty are not just abstract concepts.
Another positive moment is the extraordinary support and cooperation from all of you, the parents and legal guardians. Especially during distance learning, you were strong partners with us, and together we were able to make sure that the children managed their learning and came to school well-prepared. Believe that the positive feedback we receive from you and the children is the greatest reward and motivation for us to continue working.
In my opinion, the current situation deserves an optimistic outlook for the future. It is all the easier for us when we see children bursting with energy, joy from work and togetherness - come and see:
Class 1:
This week in the first class was really enjoyable. We sent Christmas turtles to support animal rescue stations. We can already read “bě, pě, vě, mě” so we read a lot of Christmas stories. We also made a lot of decorations. Now all that remains is to wait for Santa!
This week in class 1, the children learned a lot of interesting things, and they had a lot of fun. In incredible English, we continued to talk about food that the children like and the food they dislike (present simple). Additionally, we have also finished our first incredible English book—the classroom starter book, which means that we are going to start working on Incredible English 1 after Christmas. The children also learned new vocabulary related to food. In speaking, apart from talking about likes and dislikes, we talked about how the children have been good/bad throughout the year. We also talked about their wishes for Christmas.

Class 2:
Learning, saying goodbye, making wishes, the journey into the forest and back, giving gifts, Secret Santa, a movie ball, candy and saying goodbye again… Exhaustive, but beautiful. Such was the week for the second grade World Travelers. The beautiful icing on the cake was the online meeting with our Eric. A beautiful and peaceful Christmas to you all and see you again in the New Year.
In anticipation for Christmas, Class 2 spent their week doing various Christmas themed activities. In incredible English, we reviewed the body parts of a bird and learned how to draw a penguin. Our penguins are hanging out in the hallway. We also made a cutout reindeer from scratch to decorate our homes. We even made a Christmas movie with Sasa, which we presented on Friday.

Class 3:
Researchers from the third grade were not idle even in the last school days of this calendar year. On Monday they went to the school library for a survey, on Tuesday they examined the iguana, Escholastica sekunda, on Wednesday they fulfilled a ten-kilometer challenge together and went on an untraditionally traditional pilgrimage to Mukařov. On Thursday, they enjoyed the whole school day together and organized a film club after class. They spent the last day of school before Christmas in a class where they prepared a feast. My wishes, whether spoken or thought, have been sent out and I really wish them to come true! Marie, Andrejka, Martin and Maxim Badík
In class 3 this week, we had English movie club and watched Jingle Jangle: A Christmas Journey which everyone enjoyed! We also learnt about Christmas is Ireland!

Class 4:
Fourth Graders and their unforgettable day
Although a lot happened in the fourth grade, the Christmas atmosphere of Class 4 stood out the most. The candlesticks from the Christmas workshop are beautiful and we hope that they will brighten the home of the elderly. And that was only a fraction of the Christmas rampage. In a few words: It was divine and everyone enjoyed it very much!
Class 4 managed to get plenty of English speaking practice done before Christmas break. We read about “Tales from Around the World” and then wrote our very own Christmas tales. We made Christmas luminaries from black and white construction paper in art class. All we need now is a LED light…. We learned about the game ‘charades’, and got to play a Christmas version on Thursday.

Class 5:
In Class 5 this week, we started preparing for our probability and statistics project which we will do after Christmas. You will find out more then but expect some very interesting surveys for parents, teachers and students! We also had a movie morning and watched, Elf, one of the funniest Christmas movies there is!
In the last week before Christmas, my friends and I devoted ourselves to Advent creation and together we made a classroom Bethlehem scene. In addition, we did not forget the Christmas tradition and went on a pilgrimage to Mukařov to the local church. The fifth-graders have also prepared two packs of books to be sent to children’s homes. We hope that they will make the children very happy. We wish everyone a Merry Christmas and, until the New Year 2021, a lot of health, happiness, love and satisfaction.

Končí rok 2020, ale začíná rok 2021!
The year 2020 ends, but the year 2021 begins!
I wish for our school, the whole team, you, all our loved ones, that it will be a successful year, full of expectations, fulfilled desires and wishes, and that we will be able to transform all difficulties in the will to see and make our world better.
Have a beautiful Christmas and the year 2021 full of joy and love.
Warmly from the elementary school team,