News from Primary school
Dear parents,
"Do you know which test in life is the hardest? The one that is happening now… "
How true this quote is can be seen from several angles.
Let us forget about the test the whole world is enduring due to the pandemic - it is obvious. We could analyze the testing of all teachers, whether full-time in the school or in the distance form of teaching, and we firmly believe that one day we will all laugh together and this trial will be only a memory. Whether it be the pulsing nerves, the technology just waiting to betray us as we start the online broadcast, or the slightly distorted smile about the fifteenth repetition of the same assignment to the class… but also there are the comic situations that we experience every day with children, which surely would not sound so comedic were they not online.
The word test is taboo for our fifth-graders. Nevertheless, it is their most frequently used noun at the moment. At the same time, everyone sitting in that chair knows… that blood, sweat and tears await them in Grade 5… Resistance is futile! A standard entrance exam is approaching, and individual meetings with the pupils confirm that this is mainly a test of the nerves, so we wish them all to have nerves made of steel, grit their teeth and stride to the finish line with gusto and courage!
And as the well-known philosopher Socrates said: "A life without trials is not worth living." And you must admit that there is also a great deal of truth in this!
Dear parents, friends of the school, we wish that all of your tests and trials end at once and push us forward, not back! Because EXPERIENCE is also a necessary topic, but we will address that next time.
Marie and Petra.
And what trials took place throughout the classes?

Class 1
This week the children were accompanied by Kuba Kubikula, Kubula and Barbucha. The children created these characters themselves. During the morning oasis, they learned what Ash Wednesday was and tried to work with the ashes. They broke down various types of transport and already know how to behave on the sidewalk and road. Just before the snow melted, they said goodbye to the last snowman in the cold.
This week Class 1 learned some of Norton’s favorite foods like fizzy drinks and biscuits. We practiced our speaking using “I’ve got…” with an animal game and sorted some words according to the qu, sh, ch and ck sounds. We learned all about friend do’s and don’ts and practiced how to be a good friend. Finally, we ended the week creatively by making animals out of hearts.

Class 2
Our globetrotters
Just before the snow melted in the OG area, the 2nd graders tried Snow Art - painting in the snow. It was great fun! On our travels around the Asian continent, we were carried away by the music that accompanied us. We got acquainted with Venn diagrams and used them to compare some animals. Standa and I talked about the hidden pitfalls of the Internet, and Bara and I revisited Ash Wednesday. We are healthy, satisfied and looking forward to everything that awaits us. Saša + Saška + Globetrotters
This week Class 2 learned how books can sometimes be like shoes! We learned about how some books are too small for us and that some books can be too big for us. So, we practiced our IPICK reading strategy to find English books that are just right for our reading level. We also created some beautiful monsters in our speaking class and learned all about Chinese musical instruments in our Arts and Culture class. Finally, we challenged our sense of touch using some mystery balloons and practiced writing facts in our 5 senses journal.

Class 3
Our third-class researchers set out on an experiment. They studied water, snow and ice - although it has been getting thinner in recent days. The listed words are on the tips of their fingers and they have delved into nouns. We already know that we do not have a feminine, middle and male gender or perhaps a boy's gender! Geometry online? No problem. We drew lines, half-lines, lines or a triangle - we can even measure its circumference! We accept any challenge and practice together every day! Badík traveled to get a measure for his new dress, so we eagerly await what outfit will adorn him this time! In addition, we met individually and we enjoyed it!
Marie, Andrejka, Martin and Class 3.
In class 3 this week, we started learning about water. We learnt about the characteristics of water, where we can find it, and why it is so important for us. (LR)
Class 3 started out the week discussing different types of breakfast foods found all around the world. Our focus in Incredible English this week was present simple in the 3rd form. We practiced making affirmative and negative sentences along with questions. We finished the week with describing our best friends and what they like and don’t like. (JD)

Class 4
Consultations are in full swing for the 4th Graders
The only way to truly evaluate yourself is through one-on-one consultations. Don't think that you can fine tune yourself just through learning! Our fourth-graders have shown a lot of interesting things: board games, books, paintings and sometimes almost their whole rooms. I look forward to seeing you all.
This was a busy week for class 4. We made and presented leaflets in online class. We continued learning the key elements needed to create a news article. Next week, we will start writing our very own articles. We also did work in phonics and Incredible English.

Class 5
What's new with the fifth-graders? This week, they honored Ash Wednesday, and the customs that apply to this day. In addition, they dealt with adjectives, corrections and also the requisites that must be included in a personal letter. Each student was tasked with writing a personal letter about a historical figure. In mathematics, they focused on circuits, contents, and equations with two unknown variables.
In class 5 this week, we learnt about food chains and food webs. We even created our fun food chains that resulted in dolphins eating donkeys and mice eating people. A very unusual but enjoyable look at animal habitats! We also did some work for the PET and learnt how to find evidence in a text to support whether statements about the text are true or false.