News from Primary school
Dear parents and friends of the school,
I would like to greet you again after a long time, on behalf of all the assistants from the school group. We are also fundamentally affected by measures in connection with the pandemic, so at the moment we are lovingly caring for only our youngest pupils in the first and second grades. We are very happy that the colleagues from the dormitories also take care of our young students. We appreciate their support and help! It is also a new experience for them, after all, as they are used to somewhat more mature wards so, much thanks to them!
The winter by Josef Lada, about which our teacher Standa wrote so engagingly two weeks ago, is already behind us. You can't even believe how fast spring is coming. We can't get enough of the first warm rays and we go out every day with the children. I believe that the children in distance learning have also thrown away their gloves and scarves, are frantically looking for spring clothes (from which they certainly grew out of during the winter) and are going out into nature. It's time to dust off and inflate the bikes and scooters and find the rolling balls. Or just dip your hands in the loose clay in the garden or in a pot.
We are also planning big changes in our backyard at Open Gate. We would like to equip the outdoor space at the school club and the primary school yard with didactic play elements. We are still in the negotiation phase, but we are sure that everything will be brought to a successful end and we will soon be looking forward to the first part of the implementation. The teaching will thus be able to move to the outdoor areas, where children will be waiting for a number of play elements inviting them to explore.
Now you are certainly interested in what the children in the individual classes learned in the past week:
Class 1:
Budulínek, give me a pea ... They know the fairy tale from all sides and they made a fox bookmark as a reminder. They also already know important phone numbers. They tried to "phone" rescuers, police and firefighters. It will definitely come in handy in life. (TČ)
This week class one compared different modes of transportation. What is the same between a rocket and a school bus? What is different between a bike and a scooter? Ask a first grader and you will find out! Class 1 also created a beautiful and busy street scene to show off their art skills. Finally, Class 1 practiced their short vowel sounds with a team work game and completed more pages in their Incredible English books. (CJ)

Class 2:
The Globetrotters have traveled across Asia and on their travels have gotten to know the fauna and flora, culture and religion. The beauties around them perceive all the senses. They rehearsed a dance performance with Saška M., which their parents could also watch via video. This week, these 2nd graders sent letters to friends - third-graders who are in distance learning. Perhaps the letters will please them at least a little. Otherwise, we are honestly training multiplication, reading, writing and collaboration. Saša + Saša + the 2nd Graders.
Class 2 had a very busy week indeed! They began the week with a grammar test-which they all did their very best on. To celebrate their success, we made some sushi rolls in Art and Culture class and even tried using chop sticks. Finally, Class 2 learned about the different types of foods boys and girls from around the world enjoy in their Incredible English books. (CJ)

Class 3:
Badík is still on vacation, so the classroom is even emptier. But the third-graders were eager to discover the secrets of Mother Nature. In groups, they processed information about amphibians and fish. They learned the words listed after M, diligently stretched their bodies every day and excelled in writing as if they could do it with a kind of reverberation. We even compared the characteristics of the heroes of the books we read with those of our own - and we are similar in the iceberg. Individual meetings at school are still in full swing and we are eagerly looking back to the desks. We also looked back and prepared a number of inquisitive questions for guests who are connected with the establishment of our - your -primary school, which is celebrating 10 years this year. Hocus Pocus experiments accompany us for another week and we are already looking forward to further discoveries. -MAM and the 3rd Graders.
Class 3 started the week with reviewing and discussing all our favorite fruits and vegetables. We continued with learning how to write recipes and the imperative voice in the affirmative and the negative used in instructions. Later in the week, we learned about the different parts of a plant and talked about the differences between a fruit and vegetable. (JD)
In class 3 this week, we continued learning about possibly the most essential thing we have on planet Earth, something without which we could not survive. No, not grammar or prepositions, but water and the water cycle! (LR)

Class 4:
Fourth Graders and a Busy Week
There was a lot going on in the fourth grade. For example, the students learned what coordinates are and made a great game to play with their parents or siblings. They were visited by an esteemed guest, Jirka Luka, who sat in the hot seat and told them what it looked like when the school was founded and who was at its beginnings. In Czech language, they tried to come to terms with direct speech and tried to create their own comics. As can be seen, even in online teaching, the fourth graders were not bored, but of course everyone would like to be in school. Let's keep our fingers crossed! (TK)
This week class four started off the week with a pop quiz on the elements of writing a news article. Our next step is to write an article on our own implementing all the correct elements. We also finished Unit 5 in Incredible English with learning about various saltwater and freshwater fish and took a review test on all of Unit 5 on Thursday. Finally, we did work in Phonics and PET preparation. (JD)

Class 5:
This week, Class 5 were diligently preparing for the February adjective test, reading interesting facts about the human body and completing the calculation of equations in mathematics using scales, snakes and animals from Grandpa Leson. On Thursday, we were also visited by a nice guest as part of the project of ten years of founding the school. The guest was former director Jirka Luka, who told the children about the founding of the school and showed some interesting photographs, which portrayed how the elementary school worked in its early days. (SČ)
This week, class 5 went POP! Okay we did not explode but we did learn about pop music, as in popular music, from the Beatles to Beyoncé! Over the next few weeks, Eric and I will introduce some different styles and genres of music, which will be a lot of fun to learn about. Class 5 nearly did go POP and explode on Wednesday, the joys of learning the Present Perfect in English but they did very well with it! (LR)
