News from Primary school
Dear parents and legal guardians,
in the recent weeks, all of us at Open Gate believed that our campus would soon be full of life again. We thoroughly prepared for it and looked for ways to further increase the safety conditions so that our first and second graders would be joined by the other children at school as soon as possible. However, the truth of one of Murphy's basic laws was revealed - If something can go wrong for four different reasons and if all four can be solved beautifully, then a fifth will surely appear. Thus, despite our efforts and expectations, according to government measures, the personal presence of all children in schools is again banned from March 1.
The present time is certainly challenging for all of us, yet there are still many happy moments around us. For example, my colleagues and I attended Friday's school-wide morning assembly and saw once again the tremendous strength, optimism and energy that the children have to overcome the current obstacles. Celebrating your first decade is always a big event and even though it concerns a school that can't blow out the candles on the cake, it has grown into a beauty for us all! It was touching to see what has changed, to hear what thoughts formed the foundations of our home base and to feel the togetherness of us all, children and adults, albeit virtually.
I promise that we will continue to do everything in our power to bring our children the constant joy of rediscovering and exploring the world and being part of our school.
Beautiful Holidays,
For the elementary school team, Petr Šlemenda

Class 1
The first-graders continue their fairytale ride, despite being forced to sit behind the monitors again. This time Mr. Čapek, along with his dog and cat, helped them with their lessons. Together they explored all the secrets offered by the calendar. They found out how things work with the alternation of day, night and seasons. And even online they are doing it all perfectly! (TČ)
What a week it has been! Learning online is not at all easy but Class 1 has risen to the challenge! We accomplished so much during our lessons and both I, and Norton are very proud of the work that has been done. Class 1 started the week off remembering how to use Teams. They did an excellent job copying Norton’s actions and are now pros at using the microphone, raising their hands, and waiting their turn to speak. Class 1 also did some amazing reading online! We read the story Go Animals Go and even created some additional pages for the story. Take a look at the English Channel in Teams to see just some of their amazing work. Finally, Class 1 closed out the week with “Show and Tell” where everyone got to show their classmates something they love. (CJ)

Class 2
Our Class 2 globetrotters have coped with the transition to distance learning without too much difficulty. They tuned their antennas, dusted off their laptops and tablets, and each morning they were ready to face another adventure at the onset. We count, read and write at a slower pace, but still we manage. Today we learned how many bones an adult has in their body, along with other information about the human body. We are also discovering new tools offered by MS Teams, and we can already use One Note. Let's keep putting it all together! S + S
Class 2 began the week with a MS Teams orientation and created a fantastic list of classroom rules to follow during online learning (find them on the English Channel). Next, Class 2 learned some new vocabulary related to feelings from our Incredible English book. They also got to experience one of my favorite songs “Feelings are Feelings” using a new interactive presentation tool. Just because we can’t be in class doesn’t mean that Class 2 did not complete their spelling test! This week we completed a fun Pirate “Escape Room” to help us review our spelling words and then completed an online spelling test with amazing results. Finally, we closed off the week with a mini talent show where students could share their talents with one another. Overall an incredibly fun and busy week! (CJ)

Class 3
The researchers from the third class set out to explore the realm of birds and reptiles. In mathematics, they grew in their writing, counted circuits and content, built from cubes and have come to terms with many word problems. In the Czech language, the third-graders expanded their musical repertoire with another song about the words after M. On Tuesday, they got together with our 2nd graders in a virtual guest chair, in which three interesting ladies sat down. Two of them are students of our grammar school, who started attending our elementary school ten years ago. The third lady was our matador, Saša, because she was their guide for the first three years at Open Gate. Under the guidance of Associate Professor Uhlík and Dr. Kyslíková the Hocus Pocus experiments again elicited more than one smile on the faces of the children, and that is how it should be. –Third graders and the MAM trio.
Class 3 started out the week learning about the month of February and all of its important dates. We read Green Eggs and Ham by Dr. Seuss to celebrate his birthday on March 2nd and also to review how to write recipes. We finished Unit 5 in Incredible English just in time for spring break. Finally we learned how a flower gets pollinated and practiced some logical puzzles and brain teasers in English. (JD)
Class 3 were firing on all cylinders as usual. We did our usual phonics and then we finished our mini-series on the different aspects of water. They were full of beans and enthusiasm as always! (LR)

Class 4
“Whoever is playing is not naughty” is in the fourth grade motto of the day. As part of the lessons and in voluntary classes, the children created games in which they can challenge their parents or siblings. Pexetrio, five-square games, coordinates, and throwing a crown are just a small tasting. (TK)
This week class 4 started the week by picking a “wacky headline” and creating a news article using all the correct elements of an article all in one hour. We read our short “wacky articles” in class and discussed how we could make them better or catchier. We started Unit 6 in Incredible English with speaking about computers and various electronics. We practiced our compound nouns and did work in phonics and PET. (JD)

Class 5
This week, the fifth-graders practiced pronouns, learned to identify their species and also “declenate” them. In mathematics, they focused on completing a chapter called Equations, drawing construction problems and also solving mathematical fairy tales. (SČ)
This week, we did some very good preparation for PET. I am very pleased with the attitude of the class towards it. And of course we had some time to relax during another music lesson. This week it was Blues or Ballet depending on which group you chose. Especially in these unusual times, music and dance can be a great way to relax! (LR)