News from Primary school
Dear parents,
today's Friday letter reaches you on the eve of the Night of St. James. It has been shrouded in a number of rituals and symbolism since pagan times. Its roots go back to the Celtic holiday Beltain, which is celebrated between the vernal equinox and the summer solstice. The ancient Celts then lit a new fire, a symbol of strength, energy and life. This holiday also marked the beginning of a warmer time of year. We believe that beautiful days will finally come to OG, during which children would finally enjoy real sunny spring weather during outdoor activities.
In most classes, the main theme was witches and everything around them. But that was far from all. Let's take a look together at what else happened in each year.
Before that, however, I would like to ask you to remember our friends next Wednesday and Thursday, who will be sitting at the entrance exams at that time. These will be their first very important test in their lives and they will certainly welcome your support from a distance. All of us from the elementary school keep our fingers crossed for them and we believe that they will be able to do everything! Our dear friends, good luck and put the right foot forward!
Class 1
This past week, our freshmen flew on brooms while casting spells and mixing magic potions. They also made a witch out of straw, which will definitely drive away winter next week. They also enjoyed the sun a lot and did a lot of outdoor learning. Reading is already a piece of cake for them, so they could easily cope with the fairy tale about the Little Witch and her tasks. (TČ)
Class 1 started celebrating Carodejnice early! On Monday we competed in broomstick races, read a witchy story and created our own witch hats out of natural materials. We keep the excitement going throughout the week and created some mixed media witches in Art Class. To close out the week we practiced our speaking using It’s got to describe our drawn witches to one another. (CJ)

Class 2
The week was full of celebrations and merriment for the 2nd graders. After Asia, they are waiting to discover another continent - Africa, and we are already gathering information and leafing through wise books. On Wednesday we visited the library, and in the afternoon we had a reading workshop after such a long time. We added fresh "leaves" to our school book and read the sequal to My Brother Tornado. On Friday, there was a day full of lines and spells at the meeting of witches and warlocks. From all the Globetrotters, Saša and SašenkaJ.
This week Class 2 worked together to create a city out of paper and sandwich bags-complete with traffic lights and crosswalks. We discovered what Stop! Look! Listen! Think! means when crossing the street and started brainstorming ideas for our “Safely Crossing the Street” project. We also finished Unit 8 in our Activity Books and are now on to our final Incredible English Chapter! (CJ)

Class 3
The Researchers have been learning online this week. They are already so well-versed that everything went smoothly. New research units were created, which set out to prepare presentations of individual systems of the human body. The results of their work will be presented to us at a medical meeting, which will take place next Thursday. Do you know which system is the most important? Oh yeah? Then don't miss the next report because we will inform you about the results of the meeting. Badatelé, Marie, Andrejka and Martin.
These researchers also became more well-versed in the Sport and Olympic realm this week in English class. They continued their Sports unit in Incredible English and added a lot more knowledge onto this by talking about different Olympic sports and what it takes to become an Olympian. They read about the „Ready, Set, Gold!“ program in California, which gives children a taste of the steps taken and hard work done to reach Olympic legendary status. They even had an Olympic quality workout session on Friday to end their school week. Take that energy with you into the weekend and carry it over into the classroom next week and beyond! Go for gold! (ED)

Class 4
Class 4 Landed at the Event
Before the week of online teaching, all the fourth-graders were really worn out and said goodbye for a while. They experienced a team building session, in which they dusted off scooters, played team games and also celebrated the witches prematurely. They made straw witches and then burned them on the outskirts of the campus. After a successful event, it looked like a rosehip kingdom in the classroom, which indicates that the event was a success. We are looking forward to more!!! Terezka, Monča and the Fourth-Graders
This week class 4 learned about the first national park in the world, Yellowstone National Park. Pictures of geysers, mountain peaks, canyons, and beautiful nature captivated our imaginations. Students then prepared their own presentations on Czech national parks in groups. I was very pleased by the outcome and the teamwork they exhibited. We also learned and practiced THERE IS/ARE and COUNTABLE/UNCOUNTABLE nouns in Incredible English. (JD)

Class 5
The fifth-graders are staring at the finish line - there are only a few days left before the standard entrance exam. Throughout this week, they worked diligently to improve strategies for solving complex word problems, practicing grammatical phenomena, and spending every free moment outside in the fresh air. On Thursday and Friday, they also tried their hand at the traditional TCLB event. "Hard on the training ground - easy on the battlefield"? Well, we'll see… There’s no question about who's ready, and you - our dear friends – certainly are! On Wednesday and Thursday, we will all think of you and keep your fingers crossed for D-Day. (SČ, MZ, PK)
In class 5 this week, we had a very busy week. We did some great work preparing for the listening section of the PET. We also learnt in more detail the rules and skills involved in the game of softball. We finalised work on our Statistics and Probability projects and will send out our surveys in the next week. We completed our articles for the upcoming newsletter. And then we chilled out by working on our super tunes on Garageband! Hopefully, you will get to listen to some of them soon! (LR)

Folk traditions say that on the night of May 1st, many customs and traditions take place. Building a lighthouse, toasting and burning witches are the most famous. If you are going to a similar event, enjoy it. Together we will enter the month of May, so in the end let's remember the words of the romantic poet Karel Hynek Mácha: "It was late evening, the first of May, the evening of May, it was a time of love…"
Your team of ZŠ OG
Stanislav Červený