
KET/PET results

KET/PET results

Last May, classes 4 and 5 took the KET and PET exams after working so hard for them during the year.

Zahajovací assembly

Zahajovací assembly

Fotoreportáž ze slavnostního zahajovacího assembly ve sportovní hale.

Třídní fotografie ZŠ

Třídní fotografie ZŠ

Nové uniformy nám sluší.

The Open Gate grammar school and primary school open their 14th academic year

The Open Gate grammar school and primary school open their 14th academic year

At Open Gate, 378 pupils and students are starting the 2018/19 academic year, 98 of them at the primary school and 280 of them at the eight-year grammar school. The Kellner Family Foundation supports the enrolment of 96 grammar school students from all over the Czech Republic.

Vzorový článek pro frontend

Tercie B v Srbsku

Tercie B v Srbsku

Fotografie z třídního výletu tercie B.

Závěrečný ceremoniál

Závěrečný ceremoniál

Pár fotografií z předávání vysvědčení.

Tercie (A i B) v Tróji

Tercie (A i B) v Tróji

Terciáni si v Tróji vyzkoušeli hladkou i divokou vodu, kolečkové brusle i lezení.

Rumunsko 2018

Rumunsko 2018

Kompletní várka fotek z letošní expedice do Rumunska.

Fine Art Trip

Fine Art Trip

Banatul vă anuntă în imagine

Banatul vă anuntă în imagine

Prohlédněte si první neupravené fotky z Banátu.

News from Open Gate

News from Open Gate

A very pleasant and warm spring is still continuing here in Babice, and although we experienced some storms, no disaster has occurred here.

Life at Open Gate