Henslová Irena
Head Librarian
E-mail: henslova@opengate.cz
Phone: +420 725 389 658
Irena has been working at Open Gate as an assistant teacher for children with special learning needs since 2017. She helps students cope with, and prepare for, learning activities on an individual basis. She also provides assistance in communication between students and teachers, or students and their legal guardians.
Irena is also the head of the Open Gate school library team.
Faculty of Education of Charles University in Prague, field of Education Management
Irena has supplemented her education with a certified 'Assistant Teacher' course. She previously spent a number of years living in Great Britain, where she cared for English-speaking children. At present, Open Gate is not only Irena’s place of work, but also her home, and she lives on the campus with her family.