Johnson Jordan

Primary School English Teacher

Phone: +420 607 056 377

Jordan was born and raised in Brooklyn, New York City. He decided to relocate to Prague a little over a year after earning his bachelor’s degree from a very cold and snowy locale in Upstate, NY. Jordan enjoys travelling to various European countries during his summer holiday


2018, CELTA, Accredited by Cambridge University 

2012 - 2016, Binghamton University, Bachelor of Science in Ecology with Secondary in Education and Film Studies


Upon graduating from Binghamton University, Jordan completed a 3-month long internship at the American Museum of Nautral History. He worked in the Public Programs Dept. with a particular focus in outreach and education. Following on from that, Jordan worked for the New York City Department of Sanitation as an outreach and educationalist specialist for a city-wide organics recycling program. In mid 2018 Jordan decided to pursue a career in education on a fulltime basis and decided to move to Prague to begin his journey. He arrived in August of 2018 and has been working for a public-private bi-lingual educational program in Prague 6.


Jordan enjoys swimming with a bit of hiking. He also enjoys reading and writing, watching films and travelling (mostly to Italy) during the summer vacations. Jordan rescued a kitten a few years ago and now he’s a full grown cat named Binx.