Michaliková Kateřina
Mathematics and Physics Teacher
E-mail: michalikova@opengate.cz
Phone: +420 607 294 930
Kateřina comes from Tábor, where she attended grammar school with a focus on science. Since her interest focussed on Physics and Mathematics, she decided to study the Faculty of Mathematics and Physics of Charles University, earning her Master’s degree in Teaching for Second Level of Primary Schools – Mathematics/Physics in 2002. She continues educating herself in her field, including various courses to aid the teaching of Maths and Physics (physics experiments, GeoGebra) and the Heuréka Project. She is currently focusing on robotics and wants to continue educating herself in the field.1997 - 2002 | Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, Charles University in Prague, Department of Didactics of Mathematics and Department of Didactics of Physics
1997 - 2002 | Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, Charles University in Prague, Department of Didactics of Mathematics and Department of Didactics of Physics
Kateřina taught Maths and Physics at the Arcus Private Grammar School in Prague 9 from 2002 to 2016. She also taught individual private Maths and Physics lessons. She has been teaching Maths and Physics at Open Gate since 2016.
Kateřina loves travelling and walking in nature. She likes skiing and skating in the winter and swimming and cycling in the summer. She loves good food and good people. She prefers spending her spare time with her family, travelling, and playing desk games.