
Christmas Dinner II

Christmas Dinner II

Christmas Dinner I

Christmas Dinner I

The OG Chronicle

The OG Chronicle

Here it is! Christmas edition of our school magazine.

Friday news from grammar school

Friday news from grammar school

On the day of the St. Nicholas, at the end of the first week of December, the next bunch of news from our and your school is coming to you. Temperatures are currently around zero, and during the weekend it is said to warm up to 9 degrees, but apparently we will also enjoy a little rain.

Friday news from grammar school

Friday news from grammar school

Monday's assembly was for the lower high school and the Duke of Edinburgh Award concept was presented at our school again after a year. Thanks to the older students and the organizers.

Friday news from grammar school

Friday news from grammar school

Monday morning’s assembly for the lower high school was devoted to literature and one specific genre: the detective story. We would like to thank our colleagues from the Czech language and literature department.

Friday news from grammar school

Friday news from grammar school

The first full week of November is ending, which means that Halloween and Dušičky are over, the first Advent Sunday is three weeks away and in six weeks and a bit, Christmas awaits us. There's always something to look forward to.

Hallooween 2019

Hallooween 2019

Halloween is held at the end of October? Not at Open Gate...

Friday news from grammar school

Friday news from grammar school

Over eight weeks we have attended a number of assemblies with different topics or guests. Just before the fall holidays we had the opportunity to meet an extraordinarily interesting guest - Ladislav Zibura, a traveler and an author of books about his travels.

Friday news from grammar school

Friday news from grammar school

Today we will start this extraordinarily brief report with information about the traditional Monday assembly (for older students for a change) this time organized by colleagues from the English Department. Thank you!

Friday news from grammar school

Friday news from grammar school

We started the week with a traditional assembly, this time for the upper high school. The topic was concerning choices of academic courses of the CTM Academy and our guest was the director of the academy Miss Jeanne Bočková. Thank you for your visit.

School Year 2019 / 2020 has started

School Year 2019 / 2020 has started

Welcome assembly opened the 15th school year of Open Gate's history.

Life at Open Gate