
Friday news from grammar school

Friday news from grammar school

Our school mainly belongs to the students and their journey towards new knowledge. That is why we all wish them countless joyful experiences, academic successes and generally a lot of pleasant days at OPEN GATE. Enjoy every moment of it.

The 15th school year at Open Gate: 294 grammar school students and 101 primary school pupils

The 15th school year at Open Gate: 294 grammar school students and 101 primary school pupils

The 15th school year at Open Gate: 294 grammar school students and 101 primary school pupils; the family foundation of Mrs Renáta Kellnerová and Mr Petr Kellner has awarded scholarships to 95 grammar school students.

Friday news from grammar school

Friday news from grammar school

The summer weather, with temperatures around 30, allowed for a variety of outdoor activities, even though these were sometimes interrupted by a brief storm.

The OG Chronicle

The OG Chronicle

The new edition of the OG Chronicle offers insight into a wide variety of interesting topics, from American politics to international hockey to artificial intelligence and street dance culture in the Czech Republic.

Friday news from grammar school

Friday news from grammar school

Monday's assembly was once again a karaoke party, and in my humble opinion, it was even more successful than the previous one. Thanks! On Thursday, Kvarta left for a Sports - Geographic Course at Ostrov, Tichá, and they returned yesterday. More about this trip on our web, including a photo gallery.

Friday news from grammar school

Friday news from grammar school

The colder days certainly did not bother our Oktáva students, as they were sweating enough anyway. The International Baccalaureate exams continued on Monday. That morning, Psychology (two tests at a high level) was written, with Mathematics in the afternoon. That continued on Tuesday, with German in the afternoon.

Iran in OG Café

Iran in OG Café

Taking Open Gate to Iran would be very difficult indeed, but on Thursday 2. 5. four Septima students managed to bring Iran to Open Gate.

Friday news from grammar school

Friday news from grammar school

On Monday morning our students also traveled to Alicante, Spain. Judging by the FB page for this exchange they are having more than a great time. Visit our OG Viaje and Alicante 2019 page.

Run and Help 2019

Run and Help 2019

In Barcelona with robots

In Barcelona with robots

The six-member Open Gate team brought Miloš to Barcelona. Miloš the Robot.

News from grammar school

News from grammar school

This week was shorter due to the Easter holidays beginning tomorrow, but the program was very varied. This is mainly due to the entrance exams, in our case for the eight-year high school.

 Spring Cleaning Challenge!

Spring Cleaning Challenge!

I hope you are all enjoying the Spring Cleaning Challenge.

Life at Open Gate