
News from Primary school

News from Primary school

Earth Day is an annual global event organized on April 22 and aimed at promoting and supporting environmental protection.

News from Primary school

News from Primary school

Testing was, of course, one of the main events of the week and it was something new for everyone, but thanks to the excellent coordination, precise instructions and dexterity of the children, we managed to ensure that everything went smoothly. | The Kellner Family Foundation Will Carry On, a Trustee Assures | The Kellner Family Foundation Will Carry On, a Trustee Assures

“It is too early to comment on our future plans , but I can say that the Foundation has sufficient resources and that our systems are well set up to allow all of our projects to continue,” assured Petra Dobešová, a member of the Foundation’s Board of Trustees and the Managing Director of Open Gate.

News from Primary school

News from Primary school

The last couple weeks in our primary school have been marked by enrollment. Even for the future first-graders, this is the beginning of their studies, and as you know, learning is a process that never ends.

OG Chronicle Edition 2

OG Chronicle Edition 2

With the lovely spring weather comes another edition of the Open Gate Chronicle, the school’s student newspaper.

News from Primary school

News from Primary school

Spring has arrived at Open Gate. I believe that with the end of winter weather so, too, is our fast over, the time in which we cannot be in the classroom with the children.

News from Primary school

News from Primary school

People might not feel like life is so lucky at this time. Our students have spent a considerable amount of this school year learning from home.

News from Primary school

News from Primary school

The present time is certainly challenging for all of us, yet there are still many happy moments around us. For example, my colleagues and I attended Friday's school-wide morning assembly and saw once again the tremendous strength, optimism and energy that the children have to overcome the current obstacles.

News from Primary school

News from Primary school

We are also fundamentally affected by measures in connection with the pandemic, so at the moment we are lovingly caring for only our youngest pupils in the first and second grades.

News from Primary school

News from Primary school

"Do you know which test in life is the hardest? The one that is happening now… " How true this quote is can be seen from several angles.

News from Primary school

News from Primary school

At the beginning of this Friday's letter, I have borrowed the already popular report from the school director from the film Obecná Škola. Since Monday, I have had an unquenchable feeling that it will be heard from our school radio at any moment.

News from Primary school

News from Primary school

Děti mají svá věková specifika, v mnoha ohledech se liší, někdy je s nimi legrace, jindy člověk ve svém pedagogickém arzenálu hledá nějaký fígl, jak lotrovinu přesměrovat na učení, ale jedno mají společné – angličtinu vnímají jako přirozenou součást školy, jako klíč k zábavné a dobrodružné výpravě do celého světa.

Life at Open Gate