
Maturita results 2020

Maturita results 2020

The second half of the school year 2019/2020 was a challenge for all the students and their teachers, and not only them.

News from Primary school

News from Primary school

On behalf of our school club team Monika would like to say hello and welcome you all into the new academic year.

Friday news from grammar school

Friday news from grammar school

Today we had our first day with masks. Truth be told, no one is particularly happy with the need to do so. However, the Coronavirus situation is continually worsening.

News from Primary school

News from Primary school

It has been a very enjoyable first full week in the primary school of the new school year.

Friday news from grammar school

Friday news from grammar school

Terchová, Ilava, Skály, Malé Svatoňovice, Mikulov, Žebrák - that is the list of locations, where you could and still can meet our students on their Duke of Edinburgh expeditions during September weekends.

16th school year | scholarships for 95 students

16th school year | scholarships for 95 students

Open Gate starts its 16th year with 293 grammar school students and 99 pupils in the primary school’s junior years. This year, as every year, a significant number of grammar school students have scholarships from The Kellner Family Foundation set up by Mrs Renáta Kellnerová and Mr Petr Kellner.

News from Primary school

News from Primary school

This week was full of experiences as you can read in this letter.

Friday news from grammar school

Friday news from grammar school

The first week of this school year is almost over and I would like to share with you how it went here at OPEN GATE.

Friday news from grammar school

Friday news from grammar school

It is a great pleasure now, at the end of the holiday, to be able to write the first of our traditional Friday reports from the Open Gate Grammar School.

The OG Chronicle

The OG Chronicle

Despite many challenges we have put together the 3rd and final edition of the OG Chronicle for this school year.

The OG Chronicle

The OG Chronicle

Even in the time of coronavirus, the OG Journalism Club still managed to publish the second edition of the Chronicle newspaper and the OGNotes and Krognika magazines.

Friday news from grammar school

Friday news from grammar school

Last week you received the standard Friday greetings from the director and an email with other important information from the managing director. Today we are returning to the traditional newsletter despite the non-traditional period of time.

Life at Open Gate