
Friday news

Friday news

Last Friday witnessed our ninth Open Gate Maturitni Ples. And what a wonderful occasion that was. Our young ladies in Ball gowns, gentlemen in suits and the theme this year “Moulin Rouge” I venture to moot that the Narodni Dum na Vinohradech has never seen such a colourful and vibrant evening.

News from OPEN GATE

News from OPEN GATE

And it is still freezing, snowing – winter in all its brutal beauty. For us this week saw the beauty of Mr Chara’s Monday assembly to the Junior section on the theme of his favourite author, Bill Bryson, and today, weather permitting , it is the turn of Mr Sruta.

Friday news

Friday news

The theme of a Healthy Mind in a Healthy Body was explored in both Junior and Senior assemblies this week; thanks to Mrs Gnadova and Mr Bednar for their entertaining, informative and almost controversial presentations.

Friday news

Friday news

This week, due to the IB mock examinations taking place in the school theatre, assemblies were postponed. Normal service is resumed at the conclusion of the IB trials; Monday assembly for juniors, and Thursday as ever for the senior school.

Friday news

Friday news

The first week of the year witnessed the now annual re-union with past students, seventy in all turning up this time – from as far afield as Hong Kong with a stop over in Brno,(Sára, thank you).

Christmas news

Christmas news

Another year over, and what a year it has been. From the school’s point of view this has been a most successful year – there is no space here to remind you all of everything that has happened, after all you have your regular weekly updates from the school to keep you informed,

Jasmine & Juniper: First student-produced musical at OG

Jasmine & Juniper: First student-produced musical at OG

The Jasmine & Juniper Musical in English Project was a full-semester production whose entire cast and crew consisted of no less than 40 prima-through-sexta students, with the older students serving as acting and backstage coaches to the younger ones.

News from OG

News from OG

Another first for Open Gate this week though; our new lower gymnazium Drama Club put the finishing touches to their “Jasmine and Juniper” production. A full dress rehearsal for the junior school and for us in the gymnasium too.

​School magazine of the year awards

​School magazine of the year awards

Three school representatives of the OG Chronicle student magazine team went to Brno to receive three prestigious awards in the national school magazine competition held by Asociace středočeských klubů České republiky, z. s.

Friday´s news

Friday´s news

This being the thirteenth weekly newsletter of the term I do hope that none of you are superstitious. For me it’s enough that the first arctic winds and snows have hit us.

News from OG

News from OG

Monday’s assembly, taken by Mr Murphy dealt with the beauties and opportunities afforded to our students by the Mathematics department at Open Gate and how math can open horizons undreamt of at university level. In keeping with this the Astronomy Olympiad was held at OG yesterday; mathematics playing a major role.

Friday´s news

Friday´s news

This letter marks a mini sort of jubilee, being the tenth this term. St Martin has arrived in force, cold, white and even a little fog all mixed together with a promise of St Martin’s goose to come.

Life at Open Gate