Páteční pozdrav ze ZŠ
Dear Parents,
I hope you are all well and have had a good week. It has been a very active week in the Open Gate Primary School, which was probably good to work off some of the Easter chocolate!
On Tuesday, we had Run and Help, our annual school event to raise money for charity. This year the money is being donated to a charity which helps to support children with cerebral palsy. We had ideal running conditions, not too warm and with a light breeze and all the children in the Primary School happily ran their legs off and had plenty of fun doing it! You can see some photos of the event.
On Thursday, we spent the afternoon outside doing football trials to pick two teams for the McDonalds Cup which takes place next Thursday. We had lots of great football skills on show from all the classes, including a wonder goal from Hynek in class 3. We might even have the next Messi or Ronaldo on our hands! After some great games of football, we picked two team, one for younger students from classes 1 to 3, and one team for students from classes 4 and 5. They are all really looking forward to representing Open Gate next Thursday morning and I am sure they will do the school proud!
The Spring Cleaning Challenge is almost drawing to an end. We have decided to extend it until Tuesday next week, the 30th of April, so the students have an extra few days to tick a couple more jobs off the list and hopefully let you put your feet up for one more weekend! The English teachers will then choose two or three of the spring cleaners of the year from each class. I hope the children have enjoyed learning new skills and taking pride in their work and I hope you have enjoyed an extra helping hand around the home!
On Tuesday next week, the Primary School will continue its active streak as we will have an Olympic Decathlon morning, kindly organised by Bara Davis. The children will take part in doing different Olympic style disciplines and I am sure it will be plenty of fun! Please make sure the children wear suitable sporting clothing on Tuesday.
On Thursday next week, class 3 will visit Potštejn. It is an overnight trip and the will visit the children’s home, the castle and the palace. I am sure they will have a wonderful time! There is more information in the attachment from Sasa.
On Wednesday, it is May Day and a state holiday so I hope you all enjoy the day off and maybe find time to give your loved one a kiss under a cherry tree! And if you are attending any Čarodějnice events on Tuesday, I hope you have fun and of course, take care around the bonfire.
Have a good weekend!
Luke Ryan
Pro všechny sportovce:
Ve čtvrtek 25.4. proběhlo na školním hřišti školní kolo McDonald’s Cupu, na základě kterého jsme nominovali žáky, kteří se zúčastní okresního kola této soutěže. Bude se konat v Čelákovicích 2.5. a všichni fotbalisti, kteří se zúčastní, dostanou podrobnější informace v týdenních plánech. Sraz pro všechny je už v 7:30, příjezd zpět do konce vyučování (15:10). Děti by s sebou měly mít sportovní oblečení dle počasí, svačinu a pití na celý den a kapesné (max 200kč).
Hezký víkend!
Standa Červený