Open Gate School News

OG Chronicle: Edition 3

OG Chronicle: Edition 3

Edition 3 of the OG Chronicle is here for your reading pleasure!

OG Chronicle: Edition 2

OG Chronicle: Edition 2

Edition 2 of the OG Chronicle is here for your reading pleasure!

Great success of a student of the Open Gate Gymnasium in the Open Science programme of the Academy of Sciences

Great success of a student of the Open Gate Gymnasium in the Open Science programme of the Academy of Sciences

Every year, the Academy of Sciences offers long-term internships to Czech high school students in the Open Science programme. The interest in these internships is huge. Last year alone, 1,657 students from all over the Czech Republic applied and only 223 were selected.

OG Chronicle Edition 1

OG Chronicle Edition 1

The OG Chronicle is back with our first Edition of the 2023-2024.

OG Chronicle | June 2023

OG Chronicle | June 2023

As a sweet farewell to the 2022-2023 academic year, the OG Journalism Club is very excited to present Edition 3 of the school newspaper, the Chronicle.

OG Chronicle Edition 2

OG Chronicle Edition 2

Spring is in the air (sort of), and another edition of the OG Chronicle is also here for your reading enjoyment.

Open Gate welcomed 103 primary school pupils and 302 grammar school students to its 18th school year

Open Gate welcomed 103 primary school pupils and 302 grammar school students to its 18th school year

Petra Dobešová, previously the managing director of OPEN GATE - gymnázium a základní škola, s.r.o., has been named the Head of Open Gate School. The school has a stable body of teaching staff, just under a third of whom are male and a fifth of whom are native speakers of languages other than Czech.

OG Chronicle Edition 3

OG Chronicle Edition 3

For the third and final time this academic year, the OG Journalism Club has lovingly created and is proud to present Edition 3 of the school newspaper.

OG Chronicle: Edition 2

OG Chronicle: Edition 2

Edition 2 of the Chronicle student is here, again proudly presented by the OG Journalism Club.

News from Primary school

News from Primary school

What a fun week we’ve had, that’s fun F-U-N fun, here at Open Gate. On Thursday we had our annual School Spelling Bee in the theatre where 20 of the Primary School’s best spellers competed to secure a spot in the District Spelling Bee at Sunny Canadian International School.

OG Chronicle Edition 1

OG Chronicle Edition 1

The OG Journalism Club is proud to present edition one of the OG Chronicle for the 2021-22 school year.

Friday letter from Primary School

Friday letter from Primary School

Today in our classes, we had our first advent morning oases. I always feel that advent is a special time of the year. Whether you are religious or not, it still represents an important time, a time of togetherness, goodwill and sharing.

Report from the Chýnov expedition

Report from the Chýnov expedition

On the first BIX expedition this year, we went towards Tábor and visited the areas of Chýnov and its surroundings. After Thursday's arrival at the Pacovka guest house, we set up tents in its garden and built a base, from which we went on trips around the area every day.

The family foundation of Mrs Renáta Kellnerová and Mr Petr Kellner distributed CZK 91 million in grants in 2020

The family foundation of Mrs Renáta Kellnerová and Mr Petr Kellner distributed CZK 91 million in grants in 2020

The family foundation of Mrs Renáta Kellnerová and Mr Petr Kellner channels generous support towards children and young people studying in both public and private schools.

News from Primary school

News from Primary school

As the temperature outside climbs to new heights and our first graders are away enjoying school in nature, the rest of our student body is back in school reflecting on their own school in nature experiences.

News from Primary school

News from Primary school

The atmosphere at our school was intimate again this week after a long time. Fortunately, no coronavirus measures were to blame. Second graders, third graders, fourth and fifth graders enjoyed School in Nature.

News from Primary school

News from Primary school

Winter has been replaced by summer, and all classes more often than not leave their main classrooms and use the big one under the heavens.

OG Chronicle Edition 3

OG Chronicle Edition 3

This edition is also dedicated to the founder of Open Gate, Mr. Petr Kellner. 

News from Primary school

News from Primary school

Before the holidays we still have a few working weeks ahead of us. We are very happy that we can have an experience with all the children.

News from Primary school

News from Primary school

It is great to have all five classes back this week. I am sure there are not many people who miss the sound of a Microsoft Teams call ringing out from their computer this week.

News from Primary school

News from Primary school

The laughter that comes from all possible corners of our area warms our hearts and souls.

Virtual Career Fair 2021

Virtual Career Fair 2021

Following last year's successful virtual Career Fair, career counsellors from Counselling Services and student coordinators have relaunched the event.

News from Primary school

News from Primary school

This greeting is addressed especially to our dear friends, because… “Where something ends, something begins, that's how it is, that's how it's supposed to be“.

News from Primary school

News from Primary school

This Friday letter reaches you on the eve of the Night of St. James. It has been shrouded in a number of rituals and symbolism since pagan times.

News from Primary school

News from Primary school

Earth Day is an annual global event organized on April 22 and aimed at promoting and supporting environmental protection.

News from Primary school

News from Primary school

Testing was, of course, one of the main events of the week and it was something new for everyone, but thanks to the excellent coordination, precise instructions and dexterity of the children, we managed to ensure that everything went smoothly. | The Kellner Family Foundation Will Carry On, a Trustee Assures | The Kellner Family Foundation Will Carry On, a Trustee Assures

“It is too early to comment on our future plans , but I can say that the Foundation has sufficient resources and that our systems are well set up to allow all of our projects to continue,” assured Petra Dobešová, a member of the Foundation’s Board of Trustees and the Managing Director of Open Gate.

News from Primary school

News from Primary school

The last couple weeks in our primary school have been marked by enrollment. Even for the future first-graders, this is the beginning of their studies, and as you know, learning is a process that never ends.

OG Chronicle Edition 2

OG Chronicle Edition 2

With the lovely spring weather comes another edition of the Open Gate Chronicle, the school’s student newspaper.

News from Primary school

News from Primary school

Spring has arrived at Open Gate. I believe that with the end of winter weather so, too, is our fast over, the time in which we cannot be in the classroom with the children.

News from Primary school

News from Primary school

People might not feel like life is so lucky at this time. Our students have spent a considerable amount of this school year learning from home.

News from Primary school

News from Primary school

The present time is certainly challenging for all of us, yet there are still many happy moments around us. For example, my colleagues and I attended Friday's school-wide morning assembly and saw once again the tremendous strength, optimism and energy that the children have to overcome the current obstacles.

News from Primary school

News from Primary school

We are also fundamentally affected by measures in connection with the pandemic, so at the moment we are lovingly caring for only our youngest pupils in the first and second grades.

News from Primary school

News from Primary school

"Do you know which test in life is the hardest? The one that is happening now… " How true this quote is can be seen from several angles.

News from Primary school

News from Primary school

At the beginning of this Friday's letter, I have borrowed the already popular report from the school director from the film Obecná Škola. Since Monday, I have had an unquenchable feeling that it will be heard from our school radio at any moment.

News from Primary school

News from Primary school

Děti mají svá věková specifika, v mnoha ohledech se liší, někdy je s nimi legrace, jindy člověk ve svém pedagogickém arzenálu hledá nějaký fígl, jak lotrovinu přesměrovat na učení, ale jedno mají společné – angličtinu vnímají jako přirozenou součást školy, jako klíč k zábavné a dobrodružné výpravě do celého světa.

News from Primary School

News from Primary School

The end of the first half of the year, a course of which we could hardly predict in September, is here. In general pupils do not go to school to be evaluated, but are evaluated so that they can move forward in their learning. In this regard, it should be noted that when a teacher is a direct witness, not only to the control and mastery of the curriculum, but also to mutual interactions between children, the degree of their cooperation, building friendly relationships and ties, the evaluation is more complex.

News from Primary school

News from Primary school

I am definitely the right person to submit a regular report because not only am I lucky and can teach our students in person, but I am also a resident here at the Open Gate campus. I get up at sunrise over a nearby forest and enjoy its sunset over the elementary school building. And believe me that the view never gets old.

News from Primary school

News from Primary school

We cordially invite you to the online Open Day on January 21st. Those interested in studying and of course, parents, too, will be able to take part in a virtual tour of the Open Gate school campus and meet, albeit remotely, with the school management, pupils and teachers.

News from Primary school

News from Primary school

We all hope that this year will be better than last year but unfortunately, its start sees us with limited school attendance as only classes 1 and 2 are presently in school.

News from Primary school

News from Primary school

The year 2020 will be considered by many as one of the strangest and most demanding, but at the same time it has certainly brought something positive to each of us. Although this overused word can already provoke a certain degree of agitation in the current difficult times, I would like to briefly share with you what I have encountered during my time at Open Gate and what has made me happy.

News from Primary school

News from Primary school

Children come to school not only for knowledge, but also for life experience and for happiness. How does this beautiful and special feeling manifest itself at our school?

News from Primary school

News from Primary school

During the lockdown, most of the primary school staff were teaching from Open Gate and it was strange to see a school missing what it needs the most, its students. Last week, we welcomed back classes one and two, and on Monday this week, we welcomed the return of classes three, four and five, and in doing so, we got our school back.

News from Primary school

News from Primary school

The remaining classes will be joining our first and 2nd graders, who already have their second week at school under their belt. Speaking for the whole open gate team, I can without a doubt say this is a moment we have been all anticipating and excited about.

News from Primary school

News from Primary school

It’s November, the traditional month for quarterly evaluation and it seems like there’s a spark of hope for the world returning to normal, at least for schools. Families, too.

News from Primary school

News from Primary school

We find ourselves with another full week in the rearview mirror filled with experiences, discovery, new information, creativity, and fun.

News from Primary school

News from Primary school

Despite all hopes, there has been no return to Babice and we will continue to meet in the form of distance learning. However, that cannot stop us from teaching and learning with enthusiasm.

News from Primary School

News from Primary School

The pre-holiday greeting from our Primary School is here and with it an overview of the events of the past few days.

News from Primary School

News from Primary School

It has been just three days since the government announced all schools to be closed and we all already miss the children.

Active Students

Active Students

Active students Program is a peer mentoring program where students learn from other students who have participated in the internships and activities they are presenting and share experiences from their role as interns or volunteers.

News from Primary school

News from Primary school

Some regulations may complicate our school lives a bit and we complain about them here and there, but we will continue to pay attention to their strict observance in order to avoid possible problems. We are glad that we can still go to school and see the children and our colleagues on a regular basis.

Friday news from grammar school

Friday news from grammar school

Yesterday I,  together with probably most of you, was eagerly anticipating the announcement of the new covid-19 measures. 

 Karel Cudlín's walk through the Open Gate complex

Karel Cudlín's walk through the Open Gate complex

Open Gate starts its 16th year with 293 grammar school students and 99 pupils in the primary school’s junior years. This year, as every year, a significant number of grammar school students have scholarships from The Kellner Family Foundation set up by Mrs Renáta Kellnerová and Mr Petr Kellner.

News from Primary School

News from Primary School

The first month of this school year has floated away like fast moving water, and has brought all of the responsibilities associated with school work.

Friday news from grammar school

Friday news from grammar school

As you already know, there will be more space at Open Gate the following two weeks, because classes from Kvinta to Octava are switching to distance learning.

News from Primary school

News from Primary school

The last September greeting from the primary school - this time from the hands of our director Petr Šlemenda.

Friday news from grammar school

Friday news from grammar school

As the song goes "time flies like crazy", so before we realised it, the first month of school is almost over. For now, for the vast majority of students in full-time form, for which we are of course happy.

Maturita results 2020

Maturita results 2020

The second half of the school year 2019/2020 was a challenge for all the students and their teachers, and not only them.

News from Primary school

News from Primary school

On behalf of our school club team Monika would like to say hello and welcome you all into the new academic year.

Friday news from grammar school

Friday news from grammar school

Today we had our first day with masks. Truth be told, no one is particularly happy with the need to do so. However, the Coronavirus situation is continually worsening.

News from Primary school

News from Primary school

It has been a very enjoyable first full week in the primary school of the new school year.

Friday news from grammar school

Friday news from grammar school

Terchová, Ilava, Skály, Malé Svatoňovice, Mikulov, Žebrák - that is the list of locations, where you could and still can meet our students on their Duke of Edinburgh expeditions during September weekends.

16th school year | scholarships for 95 students

16th school year | scholarships for 95 students

Open Gate starts its 16th year with 293 grammar school students and 99 pupils in the primary school’s junior years. This year, as every year, a significant number of grammar school students have scholarships from The Kellner Family Foundation set up by Mrs Renáta Kellnerová and Mr Petr Kellner.

News from Primary school

News from Primary school

This week was full of experiences as you can read in this letter.

Friday news from grammar school

Friday news from grammar school

The first week of this school year is almost over and I would like to share with you how it went here at OPEN GATE.

Friday news from grammar school

Friday news from grammar school

It is a great pleasure now, at the end of the holiday, to be able to write the first of our traditional Friday reports from the Open Gate Grammar School.

The OG Chronicle

The OG Chronicle

Despite many challenges we have put together the 3rd and final edition of the OG Chronicle for this school year.

The OG Chronicle

The OG Chronicle

Even in the time of coronavirus, the OG Journalism Club still managed to publish the second edition of the Chronicle newspaper and the OGNotes and Krognika magazines.

Friday news from grammar school

Friday news from grammar school

Last week you received the standard Friday greetings from the director and an email with other important information from the managing director. Today we are returning to the traditional newsletter despite the non-traditional period of time.

Online learning with Microsoft Teams

Online learning with Microsoft Teams

For online learning we tested various platforms, we have chosen Microsoft Teams for both the Open Gate primary school and grammar school. 

Friday news from OPEN GATE

Friday news from OPEN GATE

During the school year, you always receive the traditional Friday news from both the grammar school and the primary school at the end of the week. Today, however, let me address you in the name of the whole school.

Ten Rules of Online Teaching

Ten Rules of Online Teaching

We expect an active approach of all participants to online teaching.

Open Gate online

Open Gate online

Due to the circumstances, Open Gate has temporarily become a school where we do not meet with students and teachers in the classrooms, corridors and during lunch breaks.

Friday news from grammar school

Friday news from grammar school

OG does not give out any fundamental statements about Covid-19. You, with your own sound judgment should decide whether and to what extent you will take into account the recommendations of health specialists and government institutions designated for this purpose.

Proms Ball 2020

Proms Ball 2020

22022020. What's this? That is the date of Proms Ball which took place in Lucerna.

Entrepreneurship at Open Gate

Entrepreneurship at Open Gate

Open Gate was happy to welcome Ms. Subarna Gupta, motivational speaker and educator to our Senior Assembly on 10.2.

Performance Poet Paul Delaney Visits Open Gate

Performance Poet Paul Delaney Visits Open Gate

We were happy to welcome poet Paul Delaney all the way from the U.K. to our Juniour Assembly on 3. 2.

Foreign Academic Programs

Foreign Academic Programs

Our students met a representative from Oxbridge Programs.

News from Open Gate

News from Open Gate

This letter is a bit shorter as a forerunner of the next, more comprehensive one, reporting on educational outcomes in the first half of the year.

NO TABOO Conference Open Gate

NO TABOO Conference Open Gate

One never knows what he will have to overcome in life.

The OG Chronicle

The OG Chronicle

Here it is! Christmas edition of our school magazine.

Friday news from grammar school

Friday news from grammar school

On the day of the St. Nicholas, at the end of the first week of December, the next bunch of news from our and your school is coming to you. Temperatures are currently around zero, and during the weekend it is said to warm up to 9 degrees, but apparently we will also enjoy a little rain.

Friday news from grammar school

Friday news from grammar school

Monday's assembly was for the lower high school and the Duke of Edinburgh Award concept was presented at our school again after a year. Thanks to the older students and the organizers.

Friday news from grammar school

Friday news from grammar school

Monday morning’s assembly for the lower high school was devoted to literature and one specific genre: the detective story. We would like to thank our colleagues from the Czech language and literature department.

Friday news from grammar school

Friday news from grammar school

The first full week of November is ending, which means that Halloween and Dušičky are over, the first Advent Sunday is three weeks away and in six weeks and a bit, Christmas awaits us. There's always something to look forward to.

Friday news from grammar school

Friday news from grammar school

Over eight weeks we have attended a number of assemblies with different topics or guests. Just before the fall holidays we had the opportunity to meet an extraordinarily interesting guest - Ladislav Zibura, a traveler and an author of books about his travels.

Friday news from grammar school

Friday news from grammar school

Today we will start this extraordinarily brief report with information about the traditional Monday assembly (for older students for a change) this time organized by colleagues from the English Department. Thank you!

Friday news from grammar school

Friday news from grammar school

We started the week with a traditional assembly, this time for the upper high school. The topic was concerning choices of academic courses of the CTM Academy and our guest was the director of the academy Miss Jeanne Bočková. Thank you for your visit.

Friday news from grammar school

Friday news from grammar school

Our school mainly belongs to the students and their journey towards new knowledge. That is why we all wish them countless joyful experiences, academic successes and generally a lot of pleasant days at OPEN GATE. Enjoy every moment of it.

The 15th school year at Open Gate: 294 grammar school students and 101 primary school pupils

The 15th school year at Open Gate: 294 grammar school students and 101 primary school pupils

The 15th school year at Open Gate: 294 grammar school students and 101 primary school pupils; the family foundation of Mrs Renáta Kellnerová and Mr Petr Kellner has awarded scholarships to 95 grammar school students.

Friday news from grammar school

Friday news from grammar school

The summer weather, with temperatures around 30, allowed for a variety of outdoor activities, even though these were sometimes interrupted by a brief storm.

The OG Chronicle

The OG Chronicle

The new edition of the OG Chronicle offers insight into a wide variety of interesting topics, from American politics to international hockey to artificial intelligence and street dance culture in the Czech Republic.

Friday news from grammar school

Friday news from grammar school

Monday's assembly was once again a karaoke party, and in my humble opinion, it was even more successful than the previous one. Thanks! On Thursday, Kvarta left for a Sports - Geographic Course at Ostrov, Tichá, and they returned yesterday. More about this trip on our web, including a photo gallery.

Friday news from grammar school

Friday news from grammar school

The colder days certainly did not bother our Oktáva students, as they were sweating enough anyway. The International Baccalaureate exams continued on Monday. That morning, Psychology (two tests at a high level) was written, with Mathematics in the afternoon. That continued on Tuesday, with German in the afternoon.

Iran in OG Café

Iran in OG Café

Taking Open Gate to Iran would be very difficult indeed, but on Thursday 2. 5. four Septima students managed to bring Iran to Open Gate.

Friday news from grammar school

Friday news from grammar school

On Monday morning our students also traveled to Alicante, Spain. Judging by the FB page for this exchange they are having more than a great time. Visit our OG Viaje and Alicante 2019 page.

News from grammar school

News from grammar school

This week was shorter due to the Easter holidays beginning tomorrow, but the program was very varied. This is mainly due to the entrance exams, in our case for the eight-year high school.

News from Primary school

News from Primary school

This week was full of experiences as you can read in this letter.

Friday news from grammar school

Friday news from grammar school

Briefly again a big congratulations to our team at the First Tech Challenge in Barcelona, which brought home a beautiful sixth place finish from this international competition on Sunday.

News from Primary school

News from Primary school

Co je nového na základní škole? Vše se dozvíte v pátečním pozdravení ze základní školy.

Friday news from grammar school

Friday news from grammar school

On Monday afternoon, a group of students went to Prague's Žofín Palace, where, as part of the SingularityU Czech Summit, the KidsXO event was held by the Deliotte Startup and Innovation team.

News from grammar school

News from grammar school

Monday began with a regular lower school assembly, and it was playful and competitive. Colleagues from the Czech language department prepared a team competition.

News from grammar school

News from grammar school

Monday's assembly introduced us again to an interesting guest, this time the American Embassy Cultural Attaché, Mr. Eric Black, along with internship trainee from Seattle, Miss Sarah.

Empty Plates, No Waste!

Empty Plates, No Waste!

Last week, class 5 undertook a challenge, to go the whole week without any food waste at lunchtime. It was difficult sometimes of course but they also worked together to help each other with the last bit of potato or pasta and they did it. It was a wonderful effort!

Friday news from grammar school

Friday news from grammar school

We started the week with a regular assembly on Monday, and since it was the European Brain Day, our colleagues had prepared interesting activities and competitions for practicing and challenging this part of our body. Thank you

Friday news from grammar school

Friday news from grammar school

This week’s senior assembly was again dedicated to a more serious topic – malignant diseases. Interesting and educational, thank you!

Friday news from grammar school

Friday news from grammar school

One of which was Monday’s morning assembly for the lower school, this time prepared by guests from an animal rescue station

Friday letter from grammar school

Friday letter from grammar school

It is definitely worth mentioning last year and look at whose dreams we have fulfilled. I recall that we raised over 1.5 million Czech crowns and helped, among others, Michalka, Vašek, Simonka and Lukáš.

Valentine’s Day assembly with another special guest

Valentine’s Day assembly with another special guest

Today’s Assembly took place on Valentine’s Day.

Semi-annual news from grammar school

Semi-annual news from grammar school

The main event of this week was held today, on Thursday, when the semester certificates were handed to our students.

Friday Letter

Friday Letter

Today we’ll begin with the most important event of this week and that is the launch of our new OPEN GATE website!

Grant applications | Open Gate Grammar School

Grant applications | Open Gate Grammar School

The Kellner Family Foundation will accept applications for grants for the Open Gate eight-year grammar school again until 1 March this year.

Friday News

Friday News

Today, we’ll briefly look at the past five days but also at the events in the close future.

Kvarta Visits the Jewish Museum in Prague

Kvarta Visits the Jewish Museum in Prague

In December, Kvarta A and B visited the Jewish Museum in Prague, and had the unique opportunity to speak with Mr. Brod, a holocaust survivor.

Friday News

Friday News

The year 2019 started in the month of winter which is clear when you look out of the window. You can see white all around.

3.A and 3.B Wednesday Excursion

3.A and 3.B Wednesday Excursion

Tercie A and B went on an excursion to a visitors’ center called Waterhouse and to have a look at the Švihov water reservoir.

Silver DofE expedition

Silver DofE expedition

In June 2018, our group finally finished all the intensive preparations that had to be done in order to kick start our journey.

Photography Stories or How to Win a Smart Phone

Photography Stories or How to Win a Smart Phone

Imagine the horrible feeling when you’re called to the podium in front of the whole school to receive some special gift.

News from Open Gate

News from Open Gate

A very pleasant and warm spring is still continuing here in Babice, and although we experienced some storms, no disaster has occurred here.

Friday news

Friday news

Again, the week was full of events. Mainly, one-week English language tests in the form of IELTS exams took place. From Monday to Friday, Prima – Kvinta students were tested in four categories: writing, listening, reading and speaking. You will learn the results in the near future.

Friday news

Friday news

Spring decided to come back to us and after three peculiarly dry weeks, we finally got a little rain yesterday. For your information, I'm not obsessed with the weather,

Friday news

Friday news

The exceptionally successful Run and Help was completed by an amazing amount of charity contributions. We raised over 70 000 CZK, thanks, of course, to all donors, regardless of the nominal amount of their contribution.

Friday news

Friday news

Firstly, something more about RUN and HELP 2018, which took place yesterday. Students and parents already had some brief info yesterday but for everyone else; this year's RaH has been exceedingly successful.

​It´s high time for TEDxYouth@OpenGateSchool

​It´s high time for TEDxYouth@OpenGateSchool

Counting down the days, writings on the pavement, and an unusual bell - if you walked through the halls of Open Gate in the last few weeks, you certainly had to notice that the school is in the mood of the upcoming event TEDxYouth@OpenGateSchool

Friday news

Friday news

With another Friday another weekly newsletter arrives. After the freezingly cold week, the ice on the ponds is rapidly starting to disappear, the temperatures are rising to above zero, and temperatures of around 17 degrees along with the warm sun rays are awaiting us on the weekend.

Friday news

Friday news

While here at Open Gate we were awaiting spring, what we received was just more freezing weather. Thetemperatures dropped to minus 20 degrees, and only slightly fluctuated around -8 ° C during the day.

Friday news

Friday news

Often, we talk about news here but today we’ll start, unusually, with a brief reflection on technologies and education, their present and their near future, and in the end, we will effectively connect this with specific events from the school’s life.

Friday news

Friday news

After the first semester ceremonial assembly last Wednesday in the sports hall, we had a traditional one in the school theater this week for the lower gymnasium.

​OPEN Teaching Jobs at OG

​OPEN Teaching Jobs at OG

Open Gate school offers a standard international package, including health care, a competitive salary, outstanding campus facilities, very low student numbers in class and a friendly team of keen professionals.

Semestral news

Semestral news

The most important event this week was held on Wednesday when the semester reports and certificates to the best students were handed out in the sports hall.

Friday news

Friday news

It is the end of the first semester, the pedagogical meeting awaits us in the afternoon, in which we evaluate grades, select students who receive extraordinary awards, and identify students who will be offered a helping hand and support.

Friday news

Friday news

We are coming out of terribly heavy fog to bring you this year’s second newsletter. January’s second week is set in the autumn-spring atmosphere. It’s not snowing, nor freezing, although it is a bit cloudy and foggy and the weather is changing every minute.

Friday news

Friday news

As an introduction, let me wish us all especially a lot of health, which is enough for satisfaction and happiness. And if there’s a little bit of luck and some work and personal successes, it certainly wouldn’t hurt either.

Friday News

Friday News

The campus was covered with snow, snowflakes floated in the air—what more could we wish for in the last advent week?

Friday News

Friday News

This year’s 15th Friday greetings are here to inform you about another five work days and not just in Babice

Open Gate Science Fair

Open Gate Science Fair

We would like to invite you to our first Open Gate Science Fair

Friday news

Friday news

In the past two weeks, reports about our school and interviews with Mrs. Kožnarová, the Director of OG, have appeared in the media. If you missed them, you can read about them below.

Friday news

Friday news

With another Friday there comes the next OG newsletter. The weather this week, damp and dark, is ideal for sitting with a blanket at the fireplace, but at Open Gate we were definitely not that inactive.

Friday news

Friday news

This time on Friday as usual, after an extremely demanding week, filled with many events, the traditional newsletter is here again.

​The Best School Magazine of 2017 Awards, or why not bring extra suitcase next time

​The Best School Magazine of 2017 Awards, or why not bring extra suitcase next time

For the past two years, our collective school newspapers - The OG Chronicle, OG NOTes and Krognika - have been recognized for top national prizes in the Best School Magazine in the Czech Republic contest. Because there is no alternative at present, we enroll our school newspaper into this "magazine" competition, but this hasn’t prevented us from taking the top positions in many categories. Our newspaper was awared 1st Place in Graphics, 1st Place in the Other Languages category, 2nd place in Content, and 4th Place overall. We couldn’t be prouder of our efforts!

Friday news

Friday news

To begin with, let’s return to Friday’s quarterly pedagogical meeting, at which besides much more we named students who will be awarded in the form of a certificate for their outstanding results and achievements so far.

​Block taught Civics

​Block taught Civics

It does not happen very often that students would applaud their teachers at the end of a course; however, we have enjoyed such a rare moment recently. Last week saw an end of this year’s first block- taught subject we offer our upper-gymnasium students in the course of their Social Studies programme. The subject was Introduction to Political Science and it was taught for over three and half days to both of our Kvinta groups.

Thirteenth Year - 345 pupils and students

Thirteenth Year - 345 pupils and students

A new counselling centre, a Prague-Babice school bus, and a new Headmistress are waiting for Open Gate students after the holidays.

Outstanding IB Diploma Results of the Open Gate Students

Outstanding IB Diploma Results of the Open Gate Students

The International Baccalaureate (IB) is one of the most demanding and most complex exams of secondary schools in the world. Its prestige and popularity at top schools grows year after year.

Paths for young people…

Paths for young people…

Meeting with T. Polatová (Cesta pro mladé), Dr. Ivana Modena (SUMAS) and Andrea Csirke (Kým čím být?)

Kateřina Kožnarová will head the school from 1 July 2017

Kateřina Kožnarová will head the school from 1 July 2017

Having spent 11 years with Open Gate, its principal, Peter Nitsche, has decided to end his professional career and retire. Effective from 1 July 2017, Kateřina Kožnarová, currently head of the sciences section at the grammar school and a biology and social sciences teacher, will become the new principal of the school.

​School Newspaper of the Year

​School Newspaper of the Year

Today was another great day for our fantastic combined school newspapers: The OG Chronicle, OG NOTes, and the Krognika.

​April is Poetry Month at OG

​April is Poetry Month at OG

The OG English Department has claimed “American Poetry Month” as their own.

Friday news

Friday news

This week it was “touch-and-go” as to whether or not our third year of the charity event, “Run and help” would be able to take place. And then, lo and behold, for that critical two hours of Wednesday morning the weather not only gave us a break but the sun shone through in all its glory. Beautiful.

Swimming Relay

Swimming Relay

​The traditional senior swimming relay will take place at Open Gate on Wednesday 5th of April.

Friday news

Friday news

This beautiful Spring weather looks set fair to last over the weekend, so let’s make the most of it as the forecast for the following few days looks rather suspect.

Friday news

Friday news

If the weather outside, this Friday morning, is anything to go by, then I for one am not convinced that Spring has sprung. And to add to the gloom, we are about to lose an hour of sleep time. Well, at least this week had more than its fair share of light and action.

Friday news

Friday news

A mixture of all that we now come to expect has hit Open Gate – sunny Spring weather bringing with it positive energy and vibes contributing to that vibrant learning that has become synonymous with OG. Lovely Jubbly!

Schools swimming relay

Schools swimming relay

Every spring two swimming relays take place in Open Gate, the senior and the junior one.

After Studying a Foreign Language for 3 years

After Studying a Foreign Language for 3 years

Sexta students interviewed native speakers.

Friday news

Friday news

The Monday assembly to the junior gymnasium was devoted to etiquette and tolerance, and together with her students Miss Sediva enlightened us all, giving us much food for thought.

Friday news

Friday news

Last Friday witnessed our ninth Open Gate Maturitni Ples. And what a wonderful occasion that was. Our young ladies in Ball gowns, gentlemen in suits and the theme this year “Moulin Rouge” I venture to moot that the Narodni Dum na Vinohradech has never seen such a colourful and vibrant evening.

News from OPEN GATE

News from OPEN GATE

And it is still freezing, snowing – winter in all its brutal beauty. For us this week saw the beauty of Mr Chara’s Monday assembly to the Junior section on the theme of his favourite author, Bill Bryson, and today, weather permitting , it is the turn of Mr Sruta.

Friday news

Friday news

The theme of a Healthy Mind in a Healthy Body was explored in both Junior and Senior assemblies this week; thanks to Mrs Gnadova and Mr Bednar for their entertaining, informative and almost controversial presentations.

Friday news

Friday news

This week, due to the IB mock examinations taking place in the school theatre, assemblies were postponed. Normal service is resumed at the conclusion of the IB trials; Monday assembly for juniors, and Thursday as ever for the senior school.

Friday news

Friday news

The first week of the year witnessed the now annual re-union with past students, seventy in all turning up this time – from as far afield as Hong Kong with a stop over in Brno,(Sára, thank you).

Christmas news

Christmas news

Another year over, and what a year it has been. From the school’s point of view this has been a most successful year – there is no space here to remind you all of everything that has happened, after all you have your regular weekly updates from the school to keep you informed,

Jasmine & Juniper: First student-produced musical at OG

Jasmine & Juniper: First student-produced musical at OG

The Jasmine & Juniper Musical in English Project was a full-semester production whose entire cast and crew consisted of no less than 40 prima-through-sexta students, with the older students serving as acting and backstage coaches to the younger ones.

News from OG

News from OG

Another first for Open Gate this week though; our new lower gymnazium Drama Club put the finishing touches to their “Jasmine and Juniper” production. A full dress rehearsal for the junior school and for us in the gymnasium too.

​School magazine of the year awards

​School magazine of the year awards

Three school representatives of the OG Chronicle student magazine team went to Brno to receive three prestigious awards in the national school magazine competition held by Asociace středočeských klubů České republiky, z. s.

Friday´s news

Friday´s news

This being the thirteenth weekly newsletter of the term I do hope that none of you are superstitious. For me it’s enough that the first arctic winds and snows have hit us.

News from OG

News from OG

Monday’s assembly, taken by Mr Murphy dealt with the beauties and opportunities afforded to our students by the Mathematics department at Open Gate and how math can open horizons undreamt of at university level. In keeping with this the Astronomy Olympiad was held at OG yesterday; mathematics playing a major role.

Friday´s news

Friday´s news

This letter marks a mini sort of jubilee, being the tenth this term. St Martin has arrived in force, cold, white and even a little fog all mixed together with a promise of St Martin’s goose to come.

Friday´s news

Friday´s news

And this time we will focus attention on some exceptional up-coming events: in around a month’s time The OG Upper Gymnazium English Drama Club will be presenting their first ever all-evening-long play based upon the Charles Dickens work, A Christmas Carol.

Friday´s news

Friday´s news

How sad it is to have to get used to shorter days of daylight, cloudy skies and near freezing temperatures – at least that is what it feels like to us here at OG. Education continues unabated!

Friday´s news

Friday´s news

The season of “mists and mellow fruitfulness” (Shakespeare) is now well upon us, cool winds and dropping temperatures herald the onset of winter. Brrr.

Friday´s news

Friday´s news

The first month of the academic school year is now behind us and with it one tenth of the school year or twenty percent of the first half-term. But enough of the figures, suffice it to say that long will we remember such a glorious sunny September as the one which has just drawn to a close.

Friday´s news

The first days of Autumn are upon us; cooler but still sunny albeit not for sunbathing any longer. Hopefully our Friday letter will warm you up a little

Světlušky Charity Event!

Světlušky Charity Event!

On Wednesday 14th September, six grammar school students took part in the 14th year of the charity event called Svetluska.

Friday´s news

Friday´s news

Another working week accompanied by gorgeous, albeit unseasonal, tropical temperatures is coming to a close. Such azure skies boasting highs of 30 degrees in September have to be looked for many, many years back; reason enough to hold our Monday assembly out of doors. It had to be so as the content revolved around our school’s enthusiasm for the noble sport of rugby. As you are probably aware Open Gate in conjunction with SK Rugby Babice

Friday´s news from OPEN GATE

Friday´s news from OPEN GATE

Another Friday and we are a week older, whether we are wiser too all depends upon how much we took for ourselves out of that week gone by. Rest assured that we at open Gate tried our best to ensure that some wisdom rubbed itself off on everyone.

Friday´s news from OPEN GATE

Friday´s news from OPEN GATE

The start of the new school year 2016/2017 would be unthinkable without you receiving your regular dose of Friday letter news. And here it is.

​Open Gate students visited CERN

​Open Gate students visited CERN

Three Oktava students visited CERN as a special treat at the end of their studies. Students accompanied by two members of staff spent a day at the Swiss Nuclear Research organization.

​Veni, vidi, vici

​Veni, vidi, vici

The regional competition the “School Magazine of 2016” took place in Prague on Thursday 14 April 2016.

​It’s the seventh year of our swimming marathon!

​It’s the seventh year of our swimming marathon!

The time of the year is here again – it’s time for the swimming marathon!

​Challenging Stereotypes: Tolerance Day at OG

​Challenging Stereotypes: Tolerance Day at OG

A very special event, Tolerance Day, took place at OG in the morning of Thursday 17th March. Students from Kvarta to Oktava were given the unique opportunity to attend five rotating seminars, each focused on one of the major world religions and led by a special guest speaker.

Maturita results

Maturita results

​The exam month this year ran from the 5.5. through to the 27.5. Of the 21 candidates this year only 3 chose the IB with Czech Language, 18 chose the complete State Maturita with 14 of them adding to that the entire IB Diploma package, and the remaining three doing Maturita with IB certificates.

Four OG students get their gold diploma DofE

Four OG students get their gold diploma DofE

The best of the best were last Wednesday invited to the Award ceremony to collect their certificates and medals; this time at the Černinsky Palace with Her Royal Highness Sophie, The Duchess of Wessex presenting.

The Picture of Dorian Gray

The Picture of Dorian Gray

​This month, students of Sekunda have been studying various forms of graphic novels, their elements and structure.

DofE Gold expedition in Banát

DofE Gold expedition in Banát

Our expedition started shortly after we arrived to Banat. Our aim was to explore the lifestyle of Czechs who came to Banat some 200 years ago and the nature as well.

International Baccalaureate Results

International Baccalaureate Results

This year, more than 135,000 students in 141 countries took their International Baccalaureate (IB) examinations. While the global average score for diploma students was 29.81 points, Open Gate graduates achieved an average score of 35.7 points. The maximum possible score is 45 points.

​News from the Duke of Edinburgh Award

​News from the Duke of Edinburgh Award

As the school year is about to end, this year’s DofE activities are culminating, too. The nice spring weather is a signal for holding all the preparatory and qualification expeditions that are an essential (and the most popular) part of the programme

Paragraph for Maths Challenge results 2013

Paragraph for Maths Challenge results 2013

The students of Open Gate Upper Gymnasium participated in the November 2013 UKMT Senior Maths Challenge on 7 November.

International Baccalaureate opens the way to prestigious universities for Czech students

Results of the Czech grammar school Open Gate’s students are among the world’s best. In May 2013, more than 127,000 secondary school students in 145 countries all around the world took their International Baccalaureate (IB) examinations. These students, including the students of the Open Gate eight-year grammar school in Babice, Central Bohemia are now receiving the results for their examination scripts and other papers. In this year’s session, the global average score for diploma students in this challenging examination was 29.81 points, while the maximum possible score was 45 points. Open Gate graduates achieved an average score of 37.2 points, which placed the school among the best secondary schools globally.

Great success in the Czech Olympiad for Tomáš Titěra

Last two days a regional round of the Czech Olympiad took place.

Our students successfully represented Open Gate in the rhetorical contest Mlady Demosthenes

Our students took part in the rhetorical contest Mlady Demosthenes which was organised in our school.

The Prague International and Befriended Schools Skiing + Snowboarding Slalom Race in Pec pod Snežkou

The Prague International and Befriended Schools Skiing + Snowboarding Slalom Race in Pec pod Snežkou

The four students of our school successfully and responsibly represented OPEN GATE this Saturday, January 26th during the sixth year of The Prague International and Befriended Schools Skiing + Snowboarding Slalom Race in Pec pod Snežkou.

Students’ International Baccalaureate results place OPEN GATE among the best high schools

This year’s graduates from the last year of the OPEN GATE Boarding School located in Babice in Central Bohemia know their International Baccalaureate (IB) results. They fared excellently in an international benchmarking event involving more than 119,000 students from 2,000 schools all over the world. The global average of the results achieved for the IB diploma was 29.83 points this year. OPEN GATE students can boast of an unbelievable 36 points on average, making their school one of the best in the world under the IB program.

Gold Edie returns to the OPEN GATE after two years

The group - which two years ago in Romania earned the gold level of Duke of Edinburgh Award - has a new group of followers this year. Four brave and enduring septima students - Christine Hříbalová, Filip Chalupa, Susan Leopold and Nikola Chadimová - anticipating the culmination of their efforts to obtain similar rewards ie the Gold Certificate of Duke of Edinburgh Award.

Gold EDIE participants earn money

On Friday 18. 5. 2012 our EDIE group, which consisted of Filip Chalupa, Nikol Chadimová, Zuzka Leoploldová and Kristýna Hříbalová began its weekend trip to Kobylí.

Regional final competition in duatlon

Leoš Malec, a student from Tercie, successfully represented our school this Wednesday in Čelákovice in the regional final competition in duatlon

The most proficient youth and high school

The most proficient youth and high school

Our students have succesfully passed the qualifying round of sport competition „O nejzdatnější mládež a střední školu“ („The most proficient youth and high school“)

Duathlon race in Čelákovice

Duathlon race in Čelákovice

On April 25th, four of our students took part in the local district duathlon race held in Čelákovice. 

Mladý Demosthenes, a rhetorical contest for young people

The contest Mladý Demosthenes took place at Open Gate for the first time

Pythagoriáda - maths competition

The students of prima in the middle of January attended their first math competition in the colors Open Gate. This competition was Pythagoriády district round, held on Wednesday, 18 January in the school building of Gymnázium Říčany.  By successfully completed a school round, 7 of the prima students qualified for this round. The students were Thea Kratochvílová, Johan Rott, Michal Svoboda, Martin Zilka, Vaclav Soukup, Michal  Medek and Jiří Kovář.

Skiing and Snowboarding slalom race

On 13rd -15th January, 2012, a few  OG  students took part in the 4th Annual Prague International and Befriended Schools Skiing and Snowboarding slalom race in Pec pod Sněžkou.

Maths Challenge news

It was the most successful year yet for the math students of OG. Six students took part in the UK Intermediate Mathematical  Challenge, all of them earning certificates including three golds.

Geocaching as a preparation for EDIE expedition

Geocaching as a preparation for EDIE expedition

During the EDIE program we have learnt to use GPS navigation. To test our skills we used the network of hidden boxes called Geocaching.

The Skiing and Snowboarding Slalom Race

A few OG students took part in the 3rd Prague International Schools Skiing and Snowboarding Slalom Race in Pec pod Sněžkou.

Romania 2010 - Gold expedition EDIE

Seven OG students attended the first ever expedition of the Gold Level of The Duke of Edinburgh Award

Weekend in Sumava – Duke of Edinburgh award

It was a nice week at school. The weather was great, no cold weather; no snow. But South Bohemia looked different...

Our students performed brilliantly in Logical Olympiad

Two weeks ago five students of our school - Pavel Munduch, Martin Jaroš, Martin Kábrt, Zuzka Matějková a Marek Svoboda - took part in the regional round of a competition called Logical Olympiad.

Math Challenge

On Thursday the 5th of November, fourteen students from Sexta, Septima, and Octava year groups participated in the UKMT Senior Mathematical Challenge.

Duke of Edinburgh Award Scheme

Math Challenge